Arts & Entertainment, Films
Anime "Special class" A ": the history of rivalry and love
Some people never suit second place in anything. After all, they should always be the first, the best, give rise to envy of others. In the list of such people can be attributed and Hikari Khakazono - the main heroine of the anime "Special Class A".
Hikari was born in a poor family, so from the very childhood she had the principle of always and everything achieved by her efforts and her strength. She does everything that is possible and even impossible in order to become the best of the best. The incentive she adds Kay Takishima - a constant rival of the main character. Kay is the son of wealthy parents, heir to a very famous clan and just a genius in every way. Hikari and Kay have been competing since the age of six.
This rivalry and striving for primacy leads young people to a good private school "Hakusen", where they welcome the elimination of universal equality and do everything to divide the students into "castes". The most intelligent, capable, beautiful and bright personalities are recorded in a specially created special class "A". Ironically, Hikari and Kay fall into this class. Here pupils differ in many ways: a school uniform, a free schedule, and they can also use a very large greenhouse for meetings of the "elite club".
In addition to the two main characters of the anime "Special Class A", the son of the director of the institution (Tadashi), two twins (Jun and Megumi), who can not live without music, the strange Ryu guy and the Akira disco star are also studying in the class. The other pupils of the Hakusen school have different attitudes towards representatives of the special class. Some adore them and indulge in every way possible any desires, others consider them arrogant and hate. But the special class "A" does not pay any attention to these opinions. And so continues to develop a brutal rivalry between a girl and a boy. Many from the side it seems that they are just a couple in love, but Hikari always drives this idea away from him.
Hikari Khakazono
Hikari is second in school performance. She is sweet, kind-hearted and kind. I'm used to always rely on myself and go straight to my goal. He believes that if you work hard and do not give up, then everything will turn out. But she behaves strangely in some other issues, including in the relationship between a guy and a girl. When the girl finally realizes that Kay is in love with her, he continues to call him simply "rival." But over time, Hikari is forced to admit that she loves him.
Kay Takishima
Kay takes first place in the ranking. He is very intelligent and handsome. In his years already runs a large company. He is in love with Hikari since childhood and is very afflicted because the girl does not notice his true feelings towards her. Kay is proud and self-assured. Everything that a guy is about to do, he does perfectly and irreproachably. The father of a young man often asks for his help in various matters related to business.
As already mentioned, Kay has long been in love with his "rival". He is always jealous of Hikari to the opposite sex. The guy tries always to protect and protect the girl.
Many are looking forward to when it comes to the anime "Special Class A" season 2. However, the creators of the sequel do not plan yet.
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