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Barinov Sergey: short biography

Sergei Barinov is an actor of theater and cinema, has the title of Honored Actor of the Russian Federation. The native city of the actor was Moscow, where he was born on June 4, 1962. A summary of his school years, life and work is given in the article presented.

Basic facts

Actorship began to appear in early childhood, so when choosing a future profession, difficulties arose.

After graduating from high school Sergei Barinov entered GITIS. He studied together with Roman Madyanov, Igor Ugolnikov and Irina Rozanova. While studying, he played in various theatrical productions. After graduating from the university of theatrical art, he served in the army in the Far East.

Theatrical life

Barinov Sergey worked in many famous theaters. His professional creative work began in the dramatic theater named after AS. Pushkin of Moscow, where he worked for ten years. Then he began to play in the "Classroom Theater", where the main attention was paid to the children's audience. Sergei Barinov became the leading actor of this theater, designed to increase interest in the most famous works of world classical literature. In particular, he played in such performances as "Treasure Island", "The Inspector General" and "Bremen Town Musicians".

2 years was an actor of the famous Moscow Art Theater. For 8 years he was a regular member of the Commonwealth of Taganka actors. In the repertoire of Barinov a variety of roles. The most striking were the productions "Scream", "Love under Elms", "Seagull", "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Currently, he takes part in the plays "Afghan", "Very Simple History" and many others. He plays both humorous and deeply dramatic characters.

Working in a movie

In addition to his successful career in the theater, Sergei Barinov is actively filming. For the first time he played in Alexei Saltykov's film "For Everything Paid", dedicated to the heroes of the war in Afghanistan. The filmography of the actor is incredibly diverse and rich. His most famous works, thanks to which he deserved the love of many spectators, were: "Sword", all 3 parts of the popular "Gluharya", "Trace", "Ugra Gold", "Alien Among Your Own", "Pyatnitsky".

Among other things, the artist participated in several documentary projects. One of them is "Military Counterintelligence. Our victory. " In this film, the focus of attention is on the intelligence activities of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. Barinov many times put forward on the most various awards for the roles.

Other interesting information about the actor

  • Sergei Barinov owns several martial arts, which helps him to play in the movie of strong characters.
  • In the film "Under the Dome of the Circus" the actor played a female role. In addition, Barinov himself is quite good at acrobatics.
  • In the life of the actor was a very difficult period associated with problems with alcohol. Fortunately, he managed to overcome this unhealthy habit, without destroying his career and personal life. Now he is very much in demand both in the theater and in the cinema.
  • The listeners can hear the voice of the Russian actor in the audiotape "The Sovereign of All Russia", as well as in the famous "Prince Vladimir" cartoon, where he voiced one of the heroes.
  • The actor was also filmed in some television programs and the famous satirical TV magazine "Wick".
  • He voiced the heroes of the computer game "Ancient Scrolls 5".
  • Known also for writing and singing his songs. Not so long ago, his first book was published.
  • He was awarded a very prestigious award - "Professional of Russia".

Sergei Barinov, undoubtedly, is one of the most popular and popular domestic artists of theater and cinema. Currently, he continues to work on a variety of creative projects and to give his loyal fans new roles.

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