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Marla Scilly: biography, books, reviews and citations
Fliley Marla Scully recommends everyone - and housewives, and working ladies - to get a timer. First, to spend no more than 15 minutes on daily supervision, and secondly, knowing that the work time is limited, women will not be distracted on the sides, and this will help them to concentrate.
Why do most women consider the time allotted for cleaning to be lost?
Fly-lady Marla Silli, the author of the ideal system of housekeeping, believes that the reasons for the lack of interest in such an occupation, as cleaning, lie in its monotony (monotony) and the fragility of the results achieved, as well as in the need to breathe dust and harmful fumes that Exude detergents and cleaners.
In addition, cleaning takes a lot of time, especially if you have to deal with so-called "complex" pollution.
The solution to the problem of Marla Scilly sees in the system approach, which must be preceded by the struggle with the following obstacles:
- The main obstacle is psychological. Only by abolishing this "bandwagon" called "victim syndrome", which the subconscious substates to it, a woman will be able to combine professional activity with stereotyped domestic duties with a good conscience, in a good mood and on a full "automatic".
- No less important obstacle Marla considers a painful condition, overcoming a woman, set before the fact of the inevitability of a total purge of the family nest. Flylady calls on the women of the planet to simply abandon the harassing and prolonged general cleaning, replacing it with short-term, but daily, order-keeping.
Marla Scilly: how to clean house
The first step towards freedom of Marla Scilly considers the disposal of the home space from unnecessary junk. In each house, in the opinion of the fly-ladies, there are things that are easier to throw away than to wipe it off weekly from dust and put it back in again. How to know that this thing is not needed? If it was not used for a year, it means that it will never be useful to the owners.
Having completed the program for getting rid of trash, the "flying housewife" is sure, the woman will be able to reduce the time it takes for daily maintenance of cleanliness, up to 15 minutes. Marl devotes his moments to washing the corners and closed areas - shelves, filled with objects of everyday use and space hidden under cabinets and sofas. At first glance, it may seem that 15 minutes is too little, but when daily short cleaning becomes a habit, this time will be quite enough.
In addition to the daily 15-minute cleaning, there is one more - a weekly hourly. Weekly cleaning, which consists of changing the bed linen and surface cleaning of the home territory, the flyleadie came up with a very beautiful name: "the blessing of the house." Surface cleaning Marla refers to the purification of those parts of the dwelling that are in sight.
Biographical facts from the life of Marla Scilly
Marla Scilly does not hide that she herself once was among the housewives, who are nervously shocked whenever there was a need to receive guests or, worse still, relatives of her husband. The reason for the shock was always home chaos - a mountain of unnecessary junk, from which, as it seemed then Marla, there is no salvation.
"Smile always! - Teaches Marla his followers, - Can not? Force yourself! It's contagious ... And pamper yourself! You deserve it!"
His first book, entitled "Flying Housewife. Reflections at the kitchen sink "Marla wrote in 2007, and a year later, teaming up with Lynn Elie, flayledi published a manual" Flying Housewife. Corporeal stuff. "
The book "The School of Flight. How to bring order to the house and in life "was released in 2014.
According to the opinions of the fair sex, the changes occur just a few days after the first "flight".
Where to begin?
What should a mistress of the littered dwelling do, who, after reading the advice of the "flying housewife", does not know what to grab for her first? Marla suggests washing all the shells to shine. "Keep the shell clean and shining," says one of her commandments. The scalloped scallop calls a kind of an indicator of the love that a woman feeds for herself.
Taking care of the order in the house, in no case should you forget about your beloved. "Every day do something for yourself. Every morning and every evening, "- so sounds one of her commandments. The daily guidance of Marla's beauty begins with morning procedures, mandatory make-up and dressing in beautiful, comfortable home clothes. The zest of home dress "flying housewife" - shoes with laces. Flylandi calls the indispensable attribute, which reduces to "no" the possibility of unplanned rest.
What are routines?
Do cleaning unconsciously, along with other household chores - this is another trick from the flayless arsenal. A lot of routine duties, she believes, can be carried out gradually. For example, to send to the laundry just dirty items of personal use and so on.
"Hot spots" of the apartment
So Marla Scilly calls places that need constant care. To them, according to the "flying housewife", refers, for example, a computer desk on which regularly appear a mug of unapproved coffee, papers and magazines. To fix the order in the "hot spots" (in their books Marla calls them hotspots) flayledi advises to allocate no more than five minutes a day.
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