Law, State and Law
All disputed territories of Russia
In 2014 Crimea "returned to its native harbor". As far as this is lawful, from the point of view of international law, we will not argue. But the fact remains: Ukraine considers it an annexation, and it is unlikely that Russia will recognize this territory in the near future. This means one thing: the disputed border territories of Russia will for a long time be a stumbling block in international politics. However, Ukraine is not the only power that has claims to us. The disputed territories of Russia have for many years created difficulties in international politics. Which states and why do they want to bite off a piece of land from us? We will try to understand.
At war
Few people know, but de jure our country is officially at war with the neighboring country. No, not with Ukraine, as many might think. Despite loud statements of "occupation by Russia", no announcement from the Poroshenko regime was followed. Aggressive rhetoric only sounds for the internal electorate.
We are at present in a state of war with Japan for two reasons:
- Russia is officially the legal successors of the USSR. This means that all international legal treaties of the single Soviet republic now apply directly to us. Some say that this is unfair. Like, there were a lot of republics, and Russia alone is responsible. But we had to ask our deputies about this in the early nineties, who received the entire gold reserve of the Union and the permanent seat in the Security Council with the right of veto for any UN decisions.
- It is we who own the lands that we inherited after the collapse of the USSR, which the eastern neighbor claims.
What does Japan want from us?
The disputed territories of Russia and Japan are among the Kurile Islands and on Sakhalin. The Kuriles include four islands that are part of our country: Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Khamobai archipelago. In 1956 the USSR was ready to transfer two islands (Khamobai and Shikotan). We ourselves wanted to leave Iturup and Kunashir, which already have a powerful military infrastructure, and the islands themselves are considered strategic targets. The country of the rising sun was already ready to make concessions, but the US intervened. They demanded that Japan not conclude such agreements and insisted on the return of all the islands. However, the USSR did not go for it. As a result, no one gave anything to anyone. The disputed territories of Russia and Japan are with us. Let's go deeper into history. When exactly did the problem arise?
Synod treatise on friendship and trade
The disputed territories of Russia (the Kuril Islands) did not always belong to us. In 1855 Nicholas I signed a trade agreement with Japan, according to which the Russian Empire has no historical claims to the four disputed islands. Modern skeptics believe that this was a forced step. Russia was drawn into the Crimean War, in which we fought at once against all developed countries of Europe. That is, Nicholas I had to look for allies in the East, but there was no one there except Japan. Yes, and it was still weak in military and economic terms. Just started to get out of self-isolation.
The position of opponents of the transfer of the Kuril Islands is based on the fact that it was Russia that discovered these islands, which is not entirely true. Between them and the main Japanese territories the distance is such that they observe each other from a telescope. "Discover" these territories the Japanese did not make sense. They were already, in fact, open and under their control as far back as the 17th century.
Exchange of territories
The Synod Treaty (1855) did not solve the question of Sakhalin. On this territory there lived both Japanese and Russian. Historically, it turned out that our compatriots settled north, and the Asians - south. As a result, Sakhalin became a joint territory, but no one was de jure right. The situation changed the treaty of 1875. According to him, all the islands in the Kuriles were transferred to Japan, and Sakhalin withdrew to our country. Thus, the historically disputed territories of Russia (the Kurile Islands) should belong to the Land of the Rising Sun, if not for further events.
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 ended with the signing of the Portsmouth Peace. On it, Russia gave southern Sakhalin. This gives rise to supporters of imperialism to assert that the treatise of 1905 crossed out all the preceding ones. From this it follows that the previous agreements on the transfer of the Kuril Islands can be disregarded. However, the tsarist regime, the Provisional Government and the Communists in 1917 documented no disputes over these territories.
The Second World War
The Great Patriotic War ended in May 1945. However, World War II continued. Japan was the strongest state in the Pacific after the United States. The Kwantung Army in Manchuria, Korea and Mongolia numbered up to a million people with high morale. The Soviet Union agreed to the transfer of the army from Germany to the east with the authorization by the Allies of the return transfer of Southern Sakhalin and the disputed Kuril Islands. After the approval of the West, our grandfathers, instead of going home and establishing a peaceful life, were dragged into military operations before September 2. Because of this, as expected, the disputed territories of Russia appeared.
Results of confrontation with Japan
Modern pro-Western human rights activists unanimously affirm the "illegal occupation" of the Kuril Islands. Of course, historically we can agree that they did not belong to our country from the very beginning. However, human rights activists forget that after the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, Southern Sakhalin went to the Asian state. The result of the war is often territorial acquisitions. If we use this principle in the construction of international borders, many countries must completely redraw their borders.
"Catherine, were you wrong?"
Are there disputable territories between Russia and the United States? Every Russian patriot will say "of course." Alaska, which was sold, and some even claim to have leased the supposedly Empress Catherine II. Where does this myth come from? Unclear. But the sale of Alaska was held relatively recently. In 1867, Russia sold this territory for 7.2 million dollars. Of course, we can say that then it was a lot of money. But actually it is not. All the territories that the US won from other countries (England, Spain, Mexico) were subsequently purchased. And these amounts were twice as much - from 14 million dollars. In fact, Alexander II has sold twice. However, we try to understand why this was done?
About his intentions to sell Alaska Emperor Alexander declared 10 years before. Historians have found correspondence with his brother Constantine. In it, the emperor consulted on the sale of North American possessions. Why did he do this? Was this a necessity? If to speak objectively, then yes, since the expediency to such a treaty is confirmed by the following facts:
- Weakness of Russia in the military, economic terms. Our country could not physically gain a foothold in this territory. In addition, it was necessary to choose: to consolidate in America or in the Far East. The loss of both was a reality. The government correctly decided that preserving America in the loss of the Far East would subsequently lead to the loss of the first component.
- The recruiting forces are the United States. Of course, by 1867 the US itself was not going to take Alaska from Russia, as they did with Mexico, Spain and France. But the idea of a "united America" even then flown in the air. Alaska was only a matter of time. By 1867, the States were simply not up to Russia with the northern territories. Moreover, the expansion of the population into Alaska posed a threat of free reunification with the rest of the states by the population. In this case, Russia would not get anything.
- Allied relations with the United States and the hostility of Old Europe. At that time, Russia surrounded itself with enemies. The Crimean War showed who is who. In this situation, the emperor decided to transfer North American territories to his allies for money, since the probability of seizure of this territory by Britain or France was great. Our sailing fleet could no longer resist the steamships, especially in such remote lands from the capital.
Bottom line: Alaska was sold for half the cost the US paid to its enemies after the war for accession. The conclusions are self-explanatory. At the time, this territory was not really needed by the USA either. Congress did not want to buy it. About what will be in 100-150 years, very few people imagined. Nobody could guess about the huge natural wealth of this territory.
However, the presence of disputed territories of Russia and the United States is without Alaska.
The Treaty of 1867, although alienated from us by North American land, but the border line of the sea was not definitively determined. The parties proposed different methods of differentiation:
- Russia - loxodromy. On the map is a straight line, a bend in the plane.
- USA - Orthodromy. The map is curved, straight on the plane.
As a result, we agreed on an alternative: the line was in the middle between loxodromy and orthodromy. However, until the end of this conflict is not settled. The US took advantage of the weakness of the USSR, and imposed a new treaty in 1990, which significantly worsened our situation in this region. But so far the treaty has not been ratified by our country, which gives us the right to consider it insignificant. Now this territory is considered controversial, and actions that can somehow aggravate relations in this territory are not being undertaken.
The disputed territories of Russia with other countries
However, Japan and the US are not the only countries with which such problems arise. The presence of disputed territories with Russia's neighbors is hampering international cooperation. What other states have a claim to us? They are not really that little:
- Norway;
- Ukraine;
- Estonia;
- China;
- Denmark;
- Canada;
- Iceland;
- Sweden;
- Finland;
- Azerbaijan;
- Turkmenistan;
- Kazakhstan;
- Iran;
- Lithuania;
- Latvia;
- Mongolia.
The list is, of course, impressive. But why so many countries? The fact is that the disputed territories of Russia and neighboring countries are not only lands, islands, but also water shelves, maritime border areas. Many countries belong to the Arctic powers. Today is the battle for a new continent. So far, only legal and scientific methods.
The Battle for the Arctic
Several states are fighting for the Arctic. This is the only continent that did not participate in the colonial section. It's understandable: who needs ice? So it was until the moment when mankind could not technically and economically develop new hydrocarbon deposits in the north. But the situation has changed. High oil prices, the development of science and technology made it profitable to extract gas and oil from the northern ice. Several countries were immediately involved in a new colonial section: Russia, Canada, the USA, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway. In general, those countries that are directly bordered by the Arctic.
In the south, the Caspian Sea can not be divided into Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan.
The disputed territories of Russia and Finland: it's not just the Arctic
Russia and Finland have claims not only about the Arctic. The stumbling block with its northern neighbor is Karelia. Prior to the Winter Campaign of 1939, the Soviet-Finnish border passed just north of St. Petersburg. The leadership of the USSR understood that in the event of an impending war this territory would be a good springboard for invading our country. After some provocations, the Winter War of 1939-1940 began.
"Are you, your royal muzzle, throwing away state lands?"
I want to remember the famous phrase from the famous comedy film. But this is not to laugh. Until 2010, there were disputed territories of Russia and Norway in the waters of the Barents Sea. It's about the pool of 175 thousand square meters. Km. Until 2010, the parties found a compromise: both countries are engaged in fishing here, and the production of hydrocarbons was prohibited. Everything would be fine, but the geologists found enormous reserves here. And here, as the saying goes, "the roof" fell to our officials. Russia voluntarily refused from 175 thousand square meters. Km. The water area of fisheries in exchange for joint production of gas and oil. The step is short-sighted, especially with today's low oil prices. In addition, a whole branch of northern fishing was destroyed by one signature.
All for China?
Norway is not the only country that received a generous territorial gift from us. There were disputed territories of Russia and China. In 2004, our country gave "under heaven" the disputed island of Tarabarov and part of the island of Ussuri. However, not all so simple. Having received one part of the territory, China immediately demands another. Now we should, according to Chinese historians, give part of the territory in the Altai and the Far East. And we will not talk about huge territories in the Trans-Baikal region that were rented for half a century. Today it is our territory, for the present, but what will happen in 50 years? Time will tell.
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