HealthDiseases and Conditions

Alcohol delirium (white fever, squirrel)

Latin delirium tremens in the people is called a "squirrel". Alcoholic delirium was first described by Sutton in 1813. Later the alcoholic nature of the phenomenon was established by Raye.

Today, alcoholic delirium is the most frequent alcoholic psychosis that occurs in alcoholics after a daily long use of alcohol. With age, the frequency of development increases. The greatest consistency develops after the seventh year of alcoholism. The disease is typical of both men and women, but in men it manifests itself much more often.

The psychosis does not develop from the direct effects of alcoholic beverages, but in connection with the effect of the breakdown of the products of these drinks and impaired metabolism. Therefore, the disease is interpreted as "psychosis of the metal". Especially common psychosis - hallucinosis, delirium - usually occur not during drinking, but at the peak of intoxication, during the period of abstinence. At this time in the blood, the alcohol content is already starting to drop sharply.

People who do not suffer from alcoholism do not experience alcoholic delirium even at very high doses of alcohol (opiates) drunk. The occurrence of such psychoses can be preceded by: trauma, infectious diseases, stress, beriberi.

Delirium alcoholic develops in the first three days after stopping drinking alcohol. It often occurs at the apex of the withdrawal syndrome. Physical weakness is increasing; Arterial pressure is increased; Arise or intensify pain in the liver, stomach, heart, headaches; Nausea and vomiting are possible; Alternating fever and chilliness; Sweating; Inhibition in movement; insomnia; Anxiety, attacks of jealousy.

Against this background, the mental state changes (the initial stage of psychosis). The person becomes fussy, hastily businesslike, overly lively. Attention is unstable, loss of time and environment. There are floods of thoughts and memories. Hallucinations begin. Alertness is replaced by a desire to act, to pursue. In different patients the power of manifestation is different and often depends on the duration of the drinking-bout, the previous illnesses and the suddenness of getting out of the binge. There can be hallucinations in various degrees visual, auditory (or in a complex), acute sensual delirium, uncontrollable aggression is possible.

There is a detailed psychosis. Disorientation is replaced by enlightenment. Hallucinations are particularly bright, mobile, plural. Not only auditory and visual, but also tactile, vestibular, thermal. There is a sensation of wire and threads in the hair and mouth. Often patients see insects and small animals: cockroaches, spiders, mice, reduced lions, hippos, etc., devils. At the same time, they can feel the touch and the sounds emanating from the visions. Behavior at this time is associated with deceptions of perception: they kick out cats, mice, devils from the house, shake off spiders, pull something out of their hair or mouth.

At this time, the patient reacts to the conversation in his presence, can enter into a conversation.

Alcohol delirium usually lasts no more than three days. Symptoms disappear after hours of sleep. The content of visions is usually forgotten. The patient is in a state of severe fatigue, down to exhaustion. Possible drowsiness, followed by irritability and anger or, conversely, a good mood, complacency, carelessness.

Alcoholic delirium. Treatment.

In the absence of treatment, about 10% of patients die. The cause of death - a violation of the heart and suicide, committed during the period of the disease. During psychosis, the patient is very dangerous to others. Very often alcohol delirium leads to damage to the nervous system: memory, perception, thinking are broken. For those who have had the disease at least once, taking even a small amount of alcoholic beverages can lead to a relapse.

All of the above symptoms are a signal for urgent hospitalization. There is no specific treatment regimen. Treatment is more symptomatic, consisting in the maintenance of cardiac activity, sedatives, immobilization of the patient for the time of attacks.

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