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Ear mite in dogs. Treatment and prevention

If your usually cheerful and cheerful dog began to show anxiety and signs of discomfort, then this may be the reason that he had ear mites.

Ear mites in dogs are revealed by several signs: the dog constantly shakes its head, anxiously barks and runs, scratches ears, rubs against corners. If you notice this behavior in your pet - carefully examine his ears.

Ear scabies or otodecosis, and in the people ear mites in dogs is a disease that not only annoys the dog with unpleasant sensations, but can lead to diseases such as perforation of the tympanic membrane, otitis media, arachnoiditis and meningitis, so that the dog can die. Therefore, it is very important to quickly identify the presence of an ear mite and start treatment on time. Typically, the mite is located in the auricle and auditory canal, these are harmful and dangerous parasites that feed on particles of the epidermis, blood and the earworm gray dog, while delivering unpleasant sensations to the animal.

Symptoms of Ear Mites

The first symptoms of the disease include itching, which is worse when there is no treatment. These symptoms are very easy to identify by observing the dog. The dog constantly, rubs his ears on the corners and objects, scratches his ears and reacts violently to touching or scratching his ears. Over time, on the ears of the pet appear bald spots and purulent wounds, which for a very long time heal.

With the development of otodecosis in dogs, purulent discharge begins to appear from the ears, which, when dried, form a brownish coating in the ear canals and shells, which has an unpleasant specific odor.

In general, ear mites in dogs appear due to infection from other animals that live close by. The probability of infection of puppies from the mother is not ruled out. Most often mites in dogs are detected at a small and young age, so it is necessary to frequently and carefully examine small pets to avoid disease or complications.

Treatment of Ear Mites

Before you start to treat earworm, you need to make sure the diagnosis is correct. It is best to contact the veterinary clinic for help. Do not engage in self-treatment, tk. Wrongly diagnosed can lead to harmful consequences. Regardless of whether or not an ear mite is detected in dogs, treatment should be prescribed only by a veterinarian. Based on the diagnosis, the pet is prescribed the necessary drugs, for example, Aurikan, Odevedin, Mastyet-forte, Otibiovin, etc. Usually, drops are prescribed for the treatment of an ear mite. It is worth remembering that these medicines should be prescribed only by a veterinarian, since They all have different composition and concentration, and, in fact, are poisons, and improperly selected medications can harm the dog. If an ear mite is detected in dogs, treatment should be performed three times, with an interval between treatments of 5-7 days. It is necessary for effective treatment and destruction of all individuals of the parasite.

In no matter what ear is the ear mite in dogs, treatment should be performed in both ears. It is very important for each ear to use a clean cotton swab, You can transfer the mites to a healthy, uninfected ear. Bury the medicine is necessary in both ears, in spite of the fact that there are only signs of the appearance of ticks in one. Drip in your ears need as much medicine as indicated in the instructions of the selected remedy. Then, the base of the pet's ears should be massaged so that the medicine spills inside. If after some time the ear mite appeared again in dogs - the treatment was ineffective, the ears were not sufficiently treated with the medicine, or your dog's immunity was weakened, which led to favorable conditions for the life of the mites.

At the moment, there are a lot of drugs that are used to prevent othodecy. You can use special sprays and shampoos, as well as collars. Before using any prophylactic, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. The use of certain drugs can cause an allergic reaction in the pet.

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