Sports and FitnessMartial arts

Aikido is a Japanese martial art

In the modern world there are many martial arts. Most of them have an ancient history, inextricably linked with the traditions of the East. One of the most mysterious and interesting forms of struggle is aikido. This is a native Japanese kind of martial arts. In this article we will consider the principles and essence of this single combat. We will try to give an exhaustive answer to the question: "The struggle of aikido - what is this?"

The wording

Aikido is Japanese martial art, combining several types of ancient techniques of fighting and self-defense. Among them, aikijutsu, the art of fencing with spears and swords, aiki-jutsu, ju-jutsu, etc.

Aikido is not an Olympic sport, it does not hold competitions and championships, that's why mankind knows little about this art harmoniously combining physical and spiritual practices.

For reference

Popular in the West, and also in our country, actor Steven Seagal is the owner of the seventh dan in aikido. This is the highest rank in this single combat, meaning that Segal owns it in perfection. At one time he spent many years in Japan, where he studied this type of martial arts and even had his own school, which was in Tokyo.

The history of the creation of aikido

Aikido is a relatively young form of martial arts. Its founder, Morihei Ueshiba, was born in 1883. And the year of the birth of aikido can be considered 1925th. As a child, Morihei was sickly and frail. This inspired him to study martial arts. The guy was so carried away by the practical development of ancient martial arts that he did not notice how he turned from a weak child into a man with iron muscles, flexibility, like a panther, and endless endurance.

Ueshiba wandered about Japan for a long time in an effort to find the best teachers and eagerly adopted their knowledge and experience. After 20 years of training, he gained the glory of the unbeaten. None of the rivals could not beat him. And although the body of the athlete was in perfect shape, the soul of Morihei still could not find peace. Then he went deeper into philosophical and religious teachings. The result was the opening of its own school called Aikikai in 1925, which was the beginning of the development of aikido.

The creator of martial art very carefully treated his brainchild. Considering aikido a powerful weapon, he hid it from the eyes of the people and taught only a small group of checked persons in his school. And only after the end of World War II aikido was "released to freedom." Japan was in a deplorable state at that time, and Ueshiba decided that a new martial art could help distraught and oppressed countrymen find faith in themselves and their country.

What is aikido: the essence of aikido and its philosophy

If you try to briefly formulate the essence of aikido, then it can be said that it consists in the harmony of movements and breathing, body and mind, and also in total abandonment of personal ambitions.

Movements are natural, simple and lack of aggression. They are not aimed at an attack, but on protection. The body of a fighter during a fight should be as relaxed as possible, and the mind - tense. It was to the mind, consciousness, spirit of Ueshiba that he assigned the main role in his teaching. If most martial arts are based on brute physical force, then in this case the whole emphasis is on the soft power of the mind.

Aikido is a martial art that does not set a goal to win. After all, victory is a relative substance. It does not benefit anyone, only caresses self-esteem. Today you will win, and tomorrow - you. Aikido believes that this makes no sense.

Adherents of the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba do not attack and do not rebuff, do not respond aggression. They seem to "persuade" the enemy to abandon their evil intentions, redirecting his forces into a safe channel.

But to achieve such results, you need to have the highest level of development. Therefore, the main goal of Aikido fighters is to conquer oneself. To gain the upper hand over our own weaknesses, to ascend above the material world into the world of spiritual heights.

The whole history of mankind is permeated with wars and conflicts. According to Ueshiba, this is the result of ambition and desire to win at any cost. Man, beast, nature ... Someone drops his hands and loses. Someone develops fighting qualities and wins. But there will always be a new aggressor who will make today's winner a loser. This is the basis of human life and the basis of most martial arts.

The philosophy of aikido is different. It boils down to being equal to the nature in which there are no conflicts, but harmony and love reign. The creator of this martial art believed that his child could change humanity - make him happy.

Aikido technique

In this form of martial arts there are no attacking techniques. In the technical arsenal of captures, throws, maneuvering, departures from the line of attack. There are also several types of strikes, but they are, rather, distracting than the attacker. Aikido master studies the movements of the enemy and decides what he will do in the next moment. He uses the energy of the attacker and puts him in an uncomfortable position by his actions. Thus, the enemy's attack is destroyed, he has to come up with something new.

How is the name deciphered?

The word "aikido" consists of three hieroglyphs, each of which reflects a part of the essence of martial art. So, "ah" is harmony and true love. "Ki" means spirit, inner energy. A "before" is translated as a way. It turns out that aikido is the spiritual path to harmony.

Universality of this single combat

In the conventional sense, it is impossible to call this kind of martial arts sport. Someone can say about Aikido: "What kind of sport is it, if there are no winners, no losers, no competitions?" All this is really so. But his adherents do not seek worldly recognition in the form of titles, cups and certificates. They have completely different priorities and tasks. Moreover, if only a person of a certain age and physical development can become a sportsman, then the skill of aikido with its simple and natural movements is available to absolutely everyone. And the child, and the woman, and the deep old man. To win yourself, you need only one thing - a desire.

Principles of Aikido

To answer the question: "The struggle of aikido - what is this?" - the principles of this martial art will help. Among them are the following:

  • Relaxation and continuity of movements.
  • Constant muscle control.
  • Correct work of hands.
  • Concentration of will.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Ability to work in a group.
  • Ability to protect yourself.
  • Gradual training - from simple to complex.
  • Classes in a good mood.

Aikido Aikikai

Aikido Aikikai is the International Organization of Aikido Art, which in the 40th year of the last century was officially recognized by the Japanese government.

After the death of Morihei Ueshiba she was led by the Teacher's son Kisshomaru. And to this day the Ueshiba dynasty is run by the Aikido Aikikai. She tries to keep the teaching in its original form. Aikikai is a classic version of aikido.

The headquarters of the organization and the main training base are in Tokyo. The center of all world branches of Aikido Aikikai is the eponymous foundation. Its head and head of the training center is Dosya Moritera Ueshiba. The Aikido Aikikai Foundation provides methodological support to various organizations of this martial art, examines athletes and issues certificates. No one else except him has the right to do so.

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