Food and drinkRecipes

A recipe for wafer tubules for the Soviet waffle iron. Tips for cooking, filling and decorating

Finding a strange object from my grandmother in the pocket, like two looped flat pans, rejoice: you became the owner / possessor of the Soviet waffle iron! Who else found those times, remembers the wonderful delicacies that came out of it. And who was born later, can try the desserts so beloved by their parents. Moreover, the recipe for wafer tubules for the Soviet waffle iron is simple and easy to implement even by the beginning hostess. And time takes away a minimum!

To wafers turned out

If you have not yet encountered the preparation of these sweets, assimilate several conditions that will prevent "pancakes lumpy":

  1. The appliance must be warmed up well before the dough is filled.
  2. On the edges of the "pans" should not be any prigarov from previous preparations. First, we do not need extraneous inclusions, and secondly, they can cause stickiness to your delicacies.
  3. The preparation of wafers is almost a lightning process. Literally half a minute, in some cases 45 seconds - and the delicacy is ready.
  4. If you are going to do the tubes, fold them immediately after taking out the wafer. In a few minutes she will "grab", and twist it will not work.
  5. Even if you have a modern electric waffle iron ("Lakomka", for example) with non-stick coating, it is better to thinly coat it with vegetable oil before the first wafer.
  6. Dough should be poured into the center of space. And if you want to get thin wafers, you need to pour it a little - a spoon-and-a-half, depending on the size of the plane.

The correct recipe for wafer tubules (for the waffle iron of the Soviet)

He even survived at thrifty grandmothers as an annex to the instructions for use. No complicated chef manipulation, everything is extremely simple. Four eggs are good, but not to foam, they are beaten, a glass of ordinary sugar and a little vanilla is poured into them, followed by a melted packet of margarine. Opponents of this product can replace it with oil, but - we assure you! - this is not entirely justified step. A glass (maybe one and a half) of sifted flour gradually pours into the mixture as it is beaten by a mixer. At the very end, the dough is slightly salted and supplemented with half a spoonful of soda, extinguished with vinegar (as practice shows, it's better - lemon juice). It turns liquid, which goes for pancakes. Waffle iron on the gas warms well, in the middle dough is poured - and the first copy is ready. We remember: turn off the cone or the tube immediately! Crispy waffles (for the Soviet wafer-making recipe - just right!) Are very crumbly, so it's better to sprinkle them with sugar powder as pleasant additions. Attempts to stuff them with cream or condensed milk usually lead to spillage.

Milk variant

This recipe for wafer tubules (for the waffle iron of the Soviet one suits perfectly) allows you to bake very delicate and very crunchy treats. A small piece of oil (grams per 50) is not heated, but softened and whipped with the same mass of sugar. Next enter yolks from three eggs, a little salt and two-thirds of a glass of flour. The last is poured milk - slightly more than half the glass, after which the dough is mixed and placed for a third of an hour in the refrigerator. Before you start baking, very carefully into the basis of whipped whipped up proteins.

Wafers with sour cream

Extremely tasty, but quite satisfying, since the proposed recipe for wafer tubules (for the waffle iron of the Soviet) contains 100 grams of butter, and even a couple of spoonfuls of the fatty that you will find sour cream. These tubes are very good to give the student to the classes: he will eat necessarily and he will not be hungry until dinner. Three eggs are mixed with a glass of sugar and beat until light whitening. In a separate bowl, sour cream and a spoonful of soda are combined. Both masses merge, soft oil is introduced (do not heat them, but remove them from the refrigerator in advance!), And whisk together, slowly, a whisk with the gradual addition of 400 grams of flour. Wafers are cooked in the standard way.

Light waffles on yogurt

Suitable for those who are trying to protect their harmony, but completely from the tasty to give up can not. Three eggs are ground to uniformity and half a glass of sugar, supplemented with vanillin and a glass of kefir. The sour milk component can be taken even in a fat-free variant, although one-percent is preferable - with it the taste will be more natural and saturated. After mixing to smoothness, flour begins to be poured. She will need a full glass, and to achieve crunchiness the flour must be sifted and poured in portions, with diligent work in the intervals. Bake such wafers a little longer, about a minute. If you want to get the maximum crunch, set a minimum of heating or tighten the fire to the quietest and keep each waffle in a miracle device for 2-3 minutes.

Dietary waffles

They are better for those who have a waffle dish "Lakomka" or another version of an electric appliance. On gas, the treat is too brittle. First dry ingredients are mixed: two glasses of sifted flour, one - ordinary sugar, a little vanilla and a pinch of salt. Then one and a half glasses of water is poured into the bowl (its temperature does not matter) and half of the vegetable, not flavored oil. All is well mixed: first with a spoon or fork, after - a mixer. The last one is injected with hydrated soda, only half a spoonful . This recipe for thin wafers allows them to regale even slimming or fasting. Despite the absence of eggs, sour cream and other standard dough products, the dessert turns out to be very tasty and airy.

Thick wafers

Not everyone likes a dessert that crumbles in his hands. Many like soft pastries. They can be offered to prepare wafers, most often called Belgian or Brussels. It is unlikely to turn into a tube, but they are perfectly suited to various liquid supplements - from whipped cream to jams and condensed milk. First of all, well, to a stable and lush foam, three eggs are beaten. The second step is the addition of a bag of vanillin and a glass of sugar. All is rubbed together until the sugar is completely dissolved and a sufficiently dense homogeneous substance is obtained. The third step: rubbing into the mass of lemon peel. Approximate volume - a teaspoon. Instead of this citrus you can take an orange. The fourth stage: a small bar of butter melts (90 grams), flour is poured into it, already habitually sifted. Flour will leave from a glass with a hill to one and a half. The last action is mixing all prepared.

Waffle iron warms up. On its working plane is laid from 2 to 3.5 spoons of dough - the volume is determined by the size of the machine and the desired thickness of the wafer. As they will be thick, it will take 2-3 minutes to fry.

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