Spiritual developmentMystic

A few tips on how to become an angel in real life

About who such angels know, probably, everything. Earlier they were acquainted exclusively with religious texts, today the angelic appearance has changed a little. But the essence remained the same. An angel is a kind, bright, sweet creature that gives people faith, strength and even protection.

About desires

Experts of religion will argue that the angel - this is either a cute youngster, or even an asexual being. However, today this image has been transformed somewhat. An angel can be like a girl, and a guy, the floor is not the main thing. But here to the external image you need to be treated more carefully. Previously, it should be noted that almost every person can become an angel. But this does not mean that we will have to die and rise again. Being an angel means being a good, bright person who is ready to help others without compensation.


So, how to become an angel in real life? The first thing you should pay attention to is the appearance. What children are called angels? Small, plump, fair-haired curls. An adult may also look like he wants to become a kind angel. Most often, this image is associated with a middle-aged woman or somewhat younger than the middle age, a low stature and a round figure. Such a fairy-darling. But modern realities suggest a slightly different appearance. It can be any person, preferably blonde, dressed in everything white or just light.


Understanding how to become an angel in real life, it is worth paying attention to your character. Angels are called to help people, so you need to put your problems aside, helping in everything around you. Also, angels should have a soft character, steel nerves and a pacified expression. Sensitivity, kindness, understanding, support - these are the characteristics by which you can be heard about a person: "He is a real angel!".


Still how to become an angel in real life? As mentioned above, you need to try to push your problems into the background. Angels should help others around. And it is noteworthy that not only friends and relatives, but also strangers. What can an angel do? Translate grandmothers across the road, give alms, help neighbors, offer any feasible help to all who need it.


How to become an angel in real life? It is necessary not to be lazy and learn the basics of psychology. After all, help angels should not only provide physical and material, but also psychological. Good advice, a positive attitude, parting words - that's what the person who wants to call an angel should also be able to help.

The power of visualization

Some people may be interested in the question of how to become an angel with wings. It's very simple, there is no need to make yourself a tattoo like that. To have wings means to be a sublime man, a man who hovers over problems, solving them quickly. To have wings means to be spiritually rich and self-developed personality, that's all. Finding out how to become an angel in life, you should not try to invent something unusual. Just need to become a good person. Only then from the people around you can hear a phrase, quietly thrown after: "Look, it was an angel in the flesh."

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