Computers, Software
Windows 10: "Some of your settings are managed by your organization." How to fix it?
Not so long ago, the emerged offspring of Microsoft Corporation in the form of the latest "operating system" Windows 10 was perceived in the global computer community is completely ambiguous. In particular, the criticism concerned too strong restrictions regarding the full customization and management of the most "operating" Windows 10. "Some parameters are managed by your organization" - a frequently appearing message from this category. Let us dwell on why and when it appears, and also consider some methods of its safe shutdown.
What does it mean "Some parameters are managed by your organization"?
The problem of the appearance of such an inscription on a computer monitor or on a laptop screen when setting parameters initially should be understood as a certain limitation when accessing certain functions of the system. In other words, even if the user has installed the official version of the system, he can not manage it and apply the settings that are needed to him, and not to someone else.
And then you need to clarify that under the management organization is meant not some company in which a person can work (after all, a lock screen "Some parameters are managed by your organization" may appear on home terminals when no computer is connected to any enterprise). Here, either an administrator of the local computer or a domain administrator (roughly speaking, a sysadmin) can act as such an organization if the terminal is connected to a single local network.
And in some unforeseen situations, even the actions of the administrator can lead to such a problem (if someone does not know, since the "seven", the system has a so-called "Superadministrator", on behalf of which sometimes it is necessary to run some applications, no matter what User has an admin account with all the necessary rights). By the way, such an account can also be disabled or deleted without any problems. But now it's not about that.
The line in the settings of Windows 10 "Some parameters are managed by your organization": the reasons for the appearance
It is believed that the most likely causes of lockout are gross interference in the operation of the system or the deactivation of some of the critical components for the correct functioning of the user. Roughly speaking, the system blocks some configuration changes to prevent possible failures and malfunctions that could lead to the complete inoperability of "Windows 10". "Some of the parameters are managed by your organization" - just the same as signaling that access to the changed parameters is blocked by the system itself at the administrator or even super administrator level.
Unfortunately, many of us know firsthand how harmful the "Winda" is, and its limitations are often not justified at all. Nevertheless, there is a sound grain in this. However, we will make a reservation at once: there is no need to be afraid of the appearance of a warning that some parameters are managed by your organization. This is not critical, and removing such a screen is quite simple. But more about this later.
The purpose of the default restrictions
Now a few words about why it was necessary to introduce such stringent measures. According to many experts, despite all the means of self-restoration, Windows 10, like all its predecessors, is quite vulnerable to unauthorized changes in critical parameters.
Here, perhaps, they can be interpreted as some kind of protection from inexperienced users by the type of important system folders and files in the operating system itself, the change or accidental deletion of which can radically affect the performance of the entire system.
No, of course, in terms of security of local computer networks, there are no questions, because they usually use uniform group policy settings, which increases the level of security of the same enterprise. And not every manager or system administrator will want to create a gap as a result of changes in such parameters in the general system. The logic is iron, here you can not argue. But here's what to do for a user who is not tied to a "locale" or to a particular enterprise, but works only with the computer at home, and suddenly the screen appears for no reason: "Some parameters are managed by your organization"? How to disable it, what should I do? The user starts to rush from side to side in search of a solution, and some go so far as to format partitions and reinstall the system, believing that they picked up the virus. Agree, this is not a pleasant thing. Nevertheless, if there is a message on the screen that some parameters are managed by your organization, there is still a solution for eliminating such a problem.
Why change the default settings?
Needless to say, now it is not going to turn off the lock screen in order to conduct some experiments with the system. In most cases, even with critical failures, you can restore it.
Here the question, rather, is that the user wants to remove the lock to ensure the creation of their own most convenient for him settings and settings. Naturally, without the necessary knowledge to do such procedures is not recommended, but for advanced users this makes sense. More often it can concern the specific software which without possibility of change of the system configuration simply will not work, or personalization of allowing adjustments for any purposes, whether yes that is not enough. Some may argue, they say, install a virtual machine and do it in it, whatever you want. And if this feature is not available (at least because of poor configuration of the computer or lack of RAM or disk space), or does the user just do not want to install it?
Often happens and so that the system itself at a certain stage of work proposed to change the settings of Group Policy, and the user agreed, simply not looking. That's where the additional knowledge will come in handy.
Is it possible to disable the lock, and who can do it?
Now we come to the urgent question of disabling the blocker issuing the line "Some parameters are managed by your organization". How to remove it once and for all, will be told a little later, but now we'll see who can perform such a trip.
Although Windows is tough in this respect, you can completely circumvent its limitations. The matter concerns group policies, and it can be configured not only by the administrator, but even by the local user whose terminal is on the network. Yes Yes! This possibility is, however, provided that access to some components of the system is not limited by the network administrator (although, by and large, you can get around them). But now it's not about that.
Changing the system registry keys
So, we have a message in Windows 10 "Your organization manages some parameters". There are several ways to fix it and turn off the locking module altogether. The most acceptable and simplest are the changes in the registry settings. You enter the editor by entering the regedit command in the "Run" (Win + R) menu bar.
Here we are interested in the Policies section, which is located in the HKLM folder tree. In the section there is a subfolder of personalization (Personalization). On the right side of the window is the DWORD NoLockScreen parameter. You just need to delete it. It is very important to make a backup copy of the registry (the export line in the file menu) before performing this operation, and then, as they say, is not enough.
Although this approach is simple, it does not always help (for example, when you start the system recovery from a point that preceded the changes in the registry). The default values will be set automatically.
Using Group Policy Settings
More effective in this respect is the change in the parameters of group policies, although many specialists recognize this method as quite unsafe.
Then we need to enter the appropriate editor. To do this, use the gpedit.msc command, which is again entered in the "Run" menu. Now go to the configuration of the computer, go down to the section of administrative templates and find there a menu of all settings (All Settings). On the right you can turn off everything that really hinders the work. To do this, first sort the components by status (enabled or disabled - Enabled / Disabled). It is desirable that the included components are on top. Now the values of each such parameter must be translated into the "Not configured" state. In principle, there will not be anything wrong with disabling everything. That's when the Windows 10 lock screen "Your organization controls certain parameters" will disappear forever.
Disabling the lock screen from the command line
Another way to disable locking is to use the command line. Most users of such commands do not know, but as an example, one of them.
We call the command line (cmd in the "Run" menu) and prescribe the following in it:
After that, press the Enter key, wait for the end of the execution process and reboot the system. Sometimes it is recommended to disable the so-called defender Windows Defender, but it usually has no particular effect on blocking access to changing critical settings. Such cases are extremely rare.
In some cases, you can try to disable the means by which the system monitors the user's actions, uses them to locate (telemetry), etc. But this, so to speak, side effects.
What if I can not log in after the changes?
It also happens that either by carelessness, or accidentally the user does something wrong, after which the login to the system is impossible, or the system simply refuses to work.
Here you will need to restore, but only using a system disk or a bootable flash drive with the password reset of the account, if any.
Disable the lock or not: that's the question
Finally, the most important thing: is it worth to disable the lock on the system side? If the problem is that the screen appears only in cases of installing or running specific programs and their components that are official and should work in Windows 10 environment, as they say, iron, then, of course. But if the user tries to experiment with the configuration of critical parameters, this is not recommended. In extreme cases, it is better to make a backup copy of the registry in advance, as well as user files stored on the computer, because the result may not be what it was expected to be. The same applies to the restrictions imposed on network terminals by system administrators.
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