Finance, The property
Why should an apartment be bought in a new building.
If you decide to buy an apartment in a new building it is worthwhile to understand that you become its first owner, so you get a completely clean pedigree of this housing. In addition, you can avoid many of the legal problems that usually arise when buying an old home.
In addition, a big advantage in buying an apartment in the new building near the metro station Pionerskaya is that you yourself can choose any apartment on any floor, also with a good view from the window. Agree that it is quite difficult to find an apartment that suits your requirements from the old housing.
However, there is another big plus of buying housing in new buildings, which is much less expensive than the old housing. Typically, the developers themselves offer very profitable shares at the time of sale of apartments and if you bought an apartment in this way, then you managed to save a very decent amount of money, which can be spent with profit for the improvement of the new apartment.
Also, developers can offer you to create your own project for the layout of the premises, that is, in this case we have only load-bearing walls, but internal partitions can be arranged according to their consideration, of course, one should consult with specialists and find the best option. You can make a big kitchen or a bathroom, and the future guest room can also become more spacious, in the old apartment of such opportunities to redesign the layout, there simply is not. Construction agents can offer you additional repair services from manufacturers, and you can also save on this, because all construction materials will be supplied at wholesale prices, that is, much cheaper. Buying a new apartment, many owners can not imagine what will be the design of their homes. And in this matter you can help by offering you the best designers who perfectly cope with similar tasks.
Before you finally make a decision about buying an apartment you should find out at which stage of construction the new building is located. In such cases it is best to visit the new building on your own and evaluate at the same time how to blow out the work. Be sure to pay attention to important functioning systems, which include sewage, water or heating. All this should be new, and function without any problems. To all this, we can sum up that buying an apartment in new buildings is a very profitable option with a lot of pluses in comparison, if you take housing with a big history.
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