
Why does my right side hurt?

Pain acts as a warning signal that something has been disturbed in the body's functioning, and, depending on its location, the required measures can be taken. Next, it will be described, which may be associated with pain in a certain area.

The abdominal cavity is the place of the human body where most tissues and organs are located. If the right side hurts below, it is impossible to pinpoint exactly what it might be related to. In this place, pain can be caused by various factors, such as appendicitis, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis and the like. Most of all, fear arises when the right side hurts below the person who has a vermicular appendix of the caecum, as his inflammation often causes very serious complications. Its recognition is most often for physicians is not very difficult. The pains appear in the epigastric region, and the duration of this process becomes more and more, with coughing and movement increasing pains tend to intensify. Sometimes diarrhea and vomiting are added. If you have doubts about the accuracy of the diagnosis, you can watch a patient for a couple of hours. Treatment can be operative or conservative, but after the inflammation subsides, an operation is performed.

If the right side hurts down at the woman's side, then it may well be an ectopic pregnancy. After fertilization of the ovum does not occur its lowering into the uterus, because of which an enlarged embryo simply tears the fallopian tube. Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy is the cause of death. If the pain is more than three hours is not excluded pregnancy, it is worth calling a doctor.

If the right side hurts from behind, you can not exclude the possibility of movement of the stone from the kidney to the bladder. In addition to severe pain, there may be a blockage of the ureter by a conglomerate passing along it. The patient must be delivered in such a case as soon as possible to the surgical department, only so you can increase his chances of a positive outcome.

In women, the right side hurts below in many cases, it is often associated with diseases of the genital area, such as adnexitis, endemetriosis, cysts and other things. In addition, such diseases can be accompanied by vomiting, some fever, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. If this is not a period of exacerbation, then the intensity of pain is noticeably lower. The same symptoms can be observed when infection with sexual infections or intestinal infections.

If the right side hurts in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, then there may also be a number of reasons. It is important to remember that sudden and sudden pain is an alarm, especially if it lasts more than thirty minutes. Do not postpone the visit to the doctor, as it may be that the pregnant woman needs help. In the right side is the liver, the right side of the diaphragm, the intestine, the gall bladder. If the pain is localized at the top, then this may be due to trauma or disease of these organs. There may be inflammation of the liver, problems with the pancreas, often with a gallbladder. Sometimes during pregnancy pain causes kidney pathology. In the lower right side is the ureter, appendix, and also the fallopian tubes. In the first place, it is necessary to exclude appendicitis. If the pain is localized and lasts 8, 10 hours or more, then intervention of specialists is necessary.

There are a lot of diseases that can serve as a reason for the onset of pain syndrome in this area. It is not recommended to make a diagnosis for yourself, and even more so do not suffer prolonged pain. Put a fairly accurate diagnosis, then appoint a suitable treatment for the situation can only doctor.

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