
Nails break - what can I do? Why nails are broken on the hands and what are the means of brittle nails?

It's no secret that everyone likes beautiful well-groomed female nails. They not only attract the attention of others, but also testify to the accuracy of women. However, not everyone can have beautiful nails, even if they really want it. One of the most common problems is the fragility and lamination of the nails, which results in an unaesthetic appearance, despite the efforts made to put them in order. Such a state can not even be concealed under varnish, since it practically does not hold on to them. A lot of women face this problem every day, but not everyone knows why nails break and break and how to deal with it.

Health problems - one of the reasons for breaking and gluing nails

If the nails break and break, then, first of all, you should pay attention to your health, since often such problems arise due to violations of the internal organs. As a rule, an experienced and qualified doctor can only prescribe a specific disease according to one external appearance of the nails and prescribe a more thorough examination. In what cases should I see a doctor? If the nails fade, their color becomes paler than the skin color, and sometimes with a blue color, then this may be the consequences of disruption of the cardiovascular system. If there is a stratification of the nail plate, a thickening of some of its areas, plus transversal deepened bands appear on its surface, this may indicate that the person has some secretively occurring infectious processes.

The nails are broken and broken, and with lung disease. In this case, yellowish small spots appear on their surface, if revealed, it is recommended to consult a pulmonologist for a more thorough examination. If the nail surface is not yellow, but numerous white spots, this may be the first sign of increased blood sugar. In this case, a blood test is necessary. Broken are the nails and after appearing on them a small scattering of white protuberances, which may be a consequence of hidden virus diseases. If the puffing nails take a concave shape, then this may be a prerequisite for blood disease.

Influence of malnutrition on brittle nails

Answering the question: "Why are the nails in the hands broken?", One can not help remembering the unbalanced diet. The first sign of this is the longitudinal dents located on the nail plate. In addition, improper nutrition leads to a metabolic disorder, which also has a negative effect on the nails, which become brittle and strongly stratified. In addition, with malnutrition, there is a shortage of trace elements and vitamins. In this case it is recommended to visit a doctor of a nutritionist or replenish your body with such vitamins as D, A, E, B5, silicon, calcium. Some vitamins can be obtained by adding to your diet the following products: fish, nuts, dairy products, dried fruits. With a lack of vitamin A, you should eat carrots with any vegetable oil.

Harmful effects of water and chemicals

If you are completely healthy, why do your nails break? This can be caused by the negative effects of various chemicals, such as detergent, detergent and detergent, used in everyday life. Those who work in production are harmed by all sorts of solvents and resins. In order to protect nails from harmful effects, it is recommended that rubber gloves be used when contacting such substances . Negative effects also have the usual tap water, which greatly overdries the nail plate, as a result of which it becomes brittle and brittle. Therefore, after prolonged contact with water, the nails should be simply moistened with cream. There are people who can not wash their gloves. In this case, it is recommended to perform such a procedure as sealing, which is carried out in beauty salons. Its essence lies in the fact that a special strengthening agent is applied to the nail plate, which is then varnished. This coverage is enough for a week, then the procedure must be repeated.

Negative influence on nails is exerted by excessive use of varnishes and acetone for their removal. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear nail polish around the clock. At least a couple of days a week they need to give rest. For the removal of varnishes it is better to use special means, although they have a negative effect, but much less than acetone.

Mechanical damage

But this is not all the reasons why nails are broken. An important role is played by the influence of various kinds of mechanical action on them. Just think about the big load on our nails at home: something to pick, pull, scrape off. But they are densely superimposed keratin layers. With a strong mechanical action, this density is disturbed. The more the load goes to them, the more they are damaged and laminated, as a result of which they become brittle. To avoid this, you need to adhere to several rules. If your work is done using a computer, then you do not need to grow long nails, as they are severely damaged from numerous hits on the keyboard. For color transplantation, use protective gloves. Do not open the bottle with your nails.

Wrong grinding of the edge of the nail

Another reason why nails are broken is the wrong treatment of its edge when it is shortened. When processing the free part of the nail is not recommended to use an iron nail file, because it leaves behind a lot of the smallest microparticles, which lead to stratification and breaking of nails. More harmless is a glass nail file for manicure or ceramic. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the thinner the nail, the smaller the sputtering on the nail file. In no case tear off the exfoliated parts. It is recommended only to apply a strengthening agent to them. In order to maintain the integrity of the nail cover, you need to properly hold the tool: the nail file must be perpendicular to the nail.

Fragile nails in children

In adults, all the reasons for which the nails break are understandable. But what if the nails of the child break, and he is absolutely healthy at the same time. It would seem that he does not contact various chemical substances in everyday life, does not use lacquers, does not undergo mechanical influence, then why does this happen? It's not a secret for anyone that from our tap water is not of proper quality. It is she who, in most cases, is the culprit of the fact that the little kids have nails and then break down. In such cases, you should listen to the advice of doctors who recommend that when water procedures for babies are used boiled water.

Paraffinotherapy and massage

We have already described all the reasons why nails are broken. What is not enough for healthy nails, you can now describe in two words - "nutrition" and "moisturizing." One of the effective procedures is paraffinotherapy. It can be carried out both in beauty salons and at home. After several such procedures, blood circulation improves, resulting in nails being saturated with oxygen and nutrients, which makes them strong and healthy. Once or twice a week at home, you can do compresses for nails (25 grams of glycerin, 70 grams of water, 5 grams of alum). In the winter, two to three times a week, it is recommended to apply Nails at night with olive oil. Quite effective for strengthening the nails is massage: the area of the cuticle is massaged with a fairly soft brush, moistened with glycerin or baby oil. It should be noted that the effect of this procedure will be more noticeable if it is carried out in conjunction with the baths of sea salt.

Oils and medical creams as a remedy for brittle nails

To strengthen and nourish the nails, there are various medicinal oils and creams that contain allatonin and panthenol and promote healing of the cuticle. To accelerate the formation of cells in the nail growth zone, it is recommended to use creams containing nutrients and liposomes. To protect against negative effects on the nail plate of the environment - creams containing vitamin C, protein and keratin.

Baths for strengthening of nails

If your fingernails are broken, you can use an easier way to strengthen them - the bath. The most commonly used baths are from warm water with the addition of kefir, essential oil of sandalwood, bergamot, pine, ylang-ylang. Lemon juice also has medicinal properties, therefore it is recommended to use warm water baths for hands with the addition of this juice. For layering nails, you can also add a few drops of iodine and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. It must be remembered that each such procedure should last from 10 to 15 minutes. To quickly strengthen the nail plate, the most effective is a bath of warm red wine with the addition of sea salt. Wine is heated to 40-50 degrees. The duration of such a procedure can be increased to 20 minutes. At the end of the hands rinse with usual warm water, wipe dry and apply a nourishing cream.

In addition to red wine, white is used for the preparation of the baths: for 100 grams 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 tablespoons of vinegar. In the obtained substance, the tips of the fingers are lowered for 15 minutes, then wipe dry and lubricate with a nutritious cream. For nail layers that are more effective, a bath consisting of 50 grams of wine and 100 grams of water chamomile is the most effective. It is impossible not to mention the effectiveness of simpler ingredients. So, to strengthen the nails is ideal bath, consisting of a glass of warm water, 2 tablespoons of black dry tea and 100 milliliters of cabbage freshly squeezed juice.

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