FinanceThe property

Real estate in Spain - time to buy

Citizens of Russia can buy in Spain real estate of any kind except VPO - Vivienda con Protección Oficial. This housing, which has official protection of the state. It is sold at the lowest prices only to citizens of their country. Payment for VPO is partially subsidized from the state treasury. During the reign of Franco was categorically forbidden to sell housing to foreigners. Now, on the contrary, in order to improve the country's economy, the state welcomes foreign investment in real estate.

In other cases, there are no obstacles for the acquisition of real estate in Spain for citizens of other countries. You can choose a secluded countryside, buy a lodge for a quiet, measured life or agro-recreation, or buy a property in Torrevieja, in a beautiful resort in the center of Costa Blanca, the best resort area in Spain.

Realtors note an increase in demand for the three directions of buying property in Spain

First, invest in your future. People try to buy an apartment or a house in order to live in harmony with the environment after retirement in a country with a wonderful climate and developed economy. This is facilitated by the friendly relations of the local population.

The second is work in Spain. Many specialists due to their work have to spend more time in the country than at home. Spain is now an economically developed state, so buying a property for living here during work is absolutely justified.

Third - real estate in resorts for recreation. Many people prefer to buy real estate in order not to look for a hotel or a rented apartment permanently for a while, preferring to have one. This purchase is most advantageous, since when housing is free, it can be rented to other tourists, which partially or even fully pays for all expenses for maintaining the apartment during the year. This source of additional income is quite legal and consistent with the tax laws of Spain. Economists in Spain reasonably believe that in the next ten years the amount of investment from Russian citizens will significantly increase in real estate on the coast and in every way welcome it.

Assistance in buying property in Spain will be provided by the company Prorealproperty, which specializes in selling real estate abroad. On the company's website you can submit an announcement, leave an application for the purchase of real estate and much more. Experienced lawyers of the company will prompt you what documents you need to have and how to properly draw up a sales contract and will help in all these issues. The site employs an online consultant who will answer all the questions of interest and help determine the choice and tell you how to properly apply for the provision of services for registration of the purchase.

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