Spiritual development, Dream Interpreter
Why does it dream raw, salty, fried, smoked and boiled?
Not everyone knows what the lard is dreaming about. Those who are interested in what a dream means, will find the most detailed interpretation in this article.
If a person went to rest hungry and, falling asleep, thinking about food, then it is understandable why he imagined this. In the event that the day before it was not even dreamed of, it is worthwhile to think about what the dream warns about.
Why dream lard - we learn the secrets
Before you unravel the mystery, you should remember under what circumstances it was. If the dreamer cut him, it means, in reality he will win over the enemies. And it will not necessarily be physical. He can conquer and with the help of intelligence. If a person does not have ill-wishers, then such a dream predicts his luck in business.
Let the fat in the dream be appetizing. If it is stale and rancid, then the dreamer in real life faces troubles. A fresh bacon in a dream will lead to happy events.
When interpreting a dream, it is of great importance that a representative of what sex has dreamed of lard. If a woman in her sleep has stained her white handles with melted fat, her plans for raising her status in society will not come true.
What do Ukrainians say about this dream?
It's interesting, but what does the Ukrainian dream book say about what the lard is dreaming about? After all, this product has long been considered the national food of this people, although not only Ukrainians like it. Representatives of many other nations do not mind eating a delicate pink slice, putting it on black bread. But in the Ukrainian dream book, the procedure for eating fat in a dream is described as negative, since it can foreshadow the disease. Therefore, it is better to eat it in reality, but in moderation. The same dream book says: if in the kingdom of Morpheus you wore lard wrapped in paper, in a pocket or in a bag, in general, had it with you, then this heralds wealth.
You can make a talisman from this fatty piece by slipping a rope into it and putting it around your neck. But wearing such an amulet follows only in a dream to attract wealth. In reality such a focus will not work: fat will contaminate clothes, and everyone around can misunderstand.
Why do you dream salo salted, smoked or cooked?
Such a dream is very favorable. He predicts a happy outcome of events of a negative nature. If a person is in real trouble, he does not know how to get rid of them, then this dream promises success.
In interpreting this vision, it is important to remember all the details. If a man in his sleep self- salted bacon, then he is destined in real life to meet someone who distracts from the most urgent matters. With him, a dreamer will have a great time, learn a lot of interesting things. To remake this product both in reality and in a dream is not necessary. If someone sees a lot of salt in a dream, then it heralds tears.
To consume fat, you can not only salt it, but also smoke it. This promises a small profit. As they say, a trifle, but still nice. Even small amounts of income can be very useful. But not only this awaits the dreamer. He can make a very good deal.
Frozen salted, fried and raw
The boiled bacon portends apathy and sluggish affairs. Moreover, such a dream can be a warning about an accident on the road. If possible, the next day after such a vision is better not to go anywhere. To sleep does not come true, they do not tell anyone. In any case, you need to be extremely attentive on the roads both as drivers and as pedestrians.
I wonder what the fats are about to eat fried? If you dreamed that you fried fat, making from it mouth-watering crunchy squill, then such culinary activities in the realm of Morpheus will be appreciated and awake. Dreamer will be devoted to some mystery. This can bring him profit or interesting knowledge.
But baked bacon can bring confusion to the real life of a person. Sleep warns that he can in reality take a compliment for insult. Therefore, in real life you do not need to be wary if someone praises you. It is likely that a person will do it sincerely. Maybe he just does not formulate his idea well. No need to be offended, but it's better to calm things down.
Dreamed of fresh fat? What is it for?
And what does the fresh fats dream about? If it is a pinkish hue, and on the cut a layer of red meat is visible, then this is a beautiful dream. He predicts luck and luck. Well, if it is a large piece of fat, then the dreamer expects good health and material well-being. If a person cuts off only small thin slices from this bite, it means that he will be economical and cherishing reality. Sleep will make you think in real life about excessive waste and help find the golden mean of relatively unreasonable spending.
In general, the vision of fat is positively interpreted by the dream book. What does the fat taste appetizing? Fortunately, to luck. As in reality, as in a dream, the old rancid product can not be eaten, and then everything will certainly be fine!
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