Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Mysteries of the subconscious: why the golden chain is dreaming

Gold always had special power over people. Remember the famous phrase of Mephistopheles from the tragedy "Faust": "People are dying for metal." Of course, the great Goethe did not mean the usual glands, but the objects of yellow color, shining in the sun. In the East, the hieroglyph denoting gold is considered a sign of wisdom and true enlightenment. And what can mean a dream of a golden thing?

See in a dream chain

Why dream of a gold chain? Different dream interpretations treat this phenomenon in their own way, depending on the plot and unfolding events. For example, the general meaning is: loyalty and loyalty of close people, friends and good acquaintances. And now more.

  • An interesting interpretation of this dream in Freud. He explains to what the golden chain is dreaming, so: have received it in the form of a gift, then the donor treats you very sincerely, in a kind way, appreciates and respects you. But hanging from someone's neck, it symbolizes nothing more than your excessive curiosity about private and intimate life of other people. That is, you do not have enough attention to the opposite sex, which you compensate by trying to literally and figuratively look into the keyhole of someone else's bedroom. In order not to develop a different mental complex, take care of yourself! And another option, what does the golden chain dream about: if it is a gift that you lost, behind your back something is clearly going on, intrigues are being built. Look at the environment and be on the alert!
  • What do modern interpreters offer us? They are not always consistent, and after reading the forecasts, you can sometimes get confused. Nevertheless, why dream of a golden chain that you give to your friend or girlfriend? Most likely, you suspect them of treason. But calm down, the alarm is false. Has your chain torn? Here it is worth to strain: sleep is often prophetic and threatens a serious illness. Try to lead a healthier lifestyle, then problems, perhaps, avoid. Moreover, such an association immediately arises: "chain-sequence of events is the result, from them follows".
  • The most difficult, perhaps, oriental dream book. It is summed up under a philosophical and symbolic basis, and its interpretation is related to the special worldview characteristic of Japan, China, East Asia, and Tibet. According to him, gold dreams as a sign that it's time for man to rethink himself, his spiritual essence and way of thinking, ideals and aspirations. Prevoelement gold - the fire, it burns, destroys and cleanses, renews. To dream a golden thing, for example a chain, is to try to change yourself, to get rid of complexes, prejudices, to part with inertia, and, on the contrary, to acquire the flexibility of thinking, clarity of mind, enlightenment of the spirit. This is in the first place. And secondly, gold is associated with the organs of digestion and hematopoiesis: the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, heart. Therefore, depending on the plot orientation of sleep, he can warn about the origin of diseases associated with the malfunctioning of our body or, conversely, to make it clear that the "heart of a fiery motor," the stomach and other systems are in perfect order.

How accurate are all these interpretations, judging, of course, to the people themselves, to those who dream of seeing.

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