Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation: Rolling on the Slides - Interpretation of Sleep

A throbbing heart, swift gusts of wind, gay laughter are all slides. This is a vision that is related to your strength and vital energy, as each dream book says. Rolling off a roller coaster is a kind of entertainment that is always associated with sharp slides and rises. Therefore, a dream in reality promises significant changes. In general, you can find out that you are experiencing a lack of emotions when you open a dream book. Going from a roller coaster means getting rid of routine, regularity and calmness in life, which already annoys you.

What does sleep mean?

What does the dream book say about this? Going from the hill as a whole is overcoming obstacles. Although the interpretation will depend on the actions of the person who is asleep: whether he will climb or descend, what his mood will be, the moment that he was in front of the mountain plays a huge role.

But to determine what she dreams about, you need to remember some nuances. So what kind of a hill was it, in what were the companies and what were the sensations felt?


Hills can be different, everyone knows this. There is an ice slide, in the water park - water, etc. Let's consider variants of a dream.

Extreme, dream book

Roller coaster ride, which many people like so much, is fun for true fans of hot sensations. Rolling on them at night means that in real life a person experiences a dizzying strong passion. Only this interpretation does not apply to the love sphere exclusively. It may happen that you are interested in a seriously new business or find a new hobby.

In addition, skating on a roller coaster symbolizes that you flew up and fell over the past period of your life dramatically, as if on this attraction. Your subconscious mind encourages you to rest by throwing things away. Restore your emotional state first.

Winter skating

What does the dream book tell us about this kind of pastime? Sledding on the slides is a symbol of the fact that you are tired from the constant routine. This kind of riding warns you that you need to change the situation urgently. Have fun on the weekend, rejoice yourself. See your friends who appreciate very much. In your ordinary life, make a drop of ... taste of life.

We continue to consider the dream book. Rolling down from the ice cold is your willingness to take responsibility. In the event that you roll in the winter with an icy high roller coaster, you are in reality a strong person who can bear all the adversities on their own. And at the expense of this fortitude, you will do everything right. Rolling in a dream from the ice slide - to the impetuous events in life, which will lead to major changes. In addition, it is likely that you will become a participant in an inspiring but risky business. This is what the dream book says.

Rolling down from the hill in the winter snowy - life prepares you a whole series of all sorts of joyful surprises. If you dream about a hill with lumps and tubercles, and you feel them, going down, at work you are waiting for luck. Probably, the head has already noted your successes, while the increase is not far.

Water element

The coming changes are always symbolized by water, which every dream book tells us. Rolling down from the slides in the water park in a dream - you will come to reality in a responsible decision. Think carefully in the near future their actions, on them all your destiny depends. The outcome for any scenario is only one - you will reach a new stage of your life.

In case you just watch the fun of other people from outside, know - soon you will have to work hard and hard. You will at the same time glance with envy on vacationers. Only get upset early, your work will be appreciated.


Certainly, any descent (water park or attractions) causes emotions in us. In case you feel a child's stormy joy in a dream, rolling down the hill - prepare for a love grandiose adventure. Soon you will have an attractive person in your environment. You will like each other at once, while the relationship will be incredibly passionate. In part, a dream can be called a prophetic, for the more you feel joy in dreams, the waking you will be happier.

If, when you roll down, you feel near the shoulder of your friend, you will in fact be participants in some interesting business. The next meaning of this dream is an unforgettable and rich journey in the company of your loved ones.

Descend on your feet from the hill - in life you do not have enough support. And you can find it in friends. Call your old friends, who have not been seen for a very long time, see you. This meeting will give you a lot of strength and energy. Experiencing during the descent of fear - in reality you often worry and doubt without reason. It is necessary to stop torturing oneself and to change easier to change.


Sleep, which is associated with the descent, can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on what you do on the hill. If you are climbing upwards on ice or snow in a dream, difficulties await you. They will not be easy to overcome, but due to their diligence and zeal you can manage and as a result will be at the top.

But when you see that you can not rise up in any way, you are drowning in the snow and slip all the time, it's time to stop waking. You have taken too much on yourself, and this amount is not up to you. You are working on a case that your strength is not worth it. Release everything, then start moving on.

Helping a person to climb the hill, you yourself give the opportunity to get in real life the support of friends and friends when someone starts to play the game against you. You are not alone, therefore, ill-wishers will not get their evil intentions put into practice. With the help of a dream book to understand what you are dreaming of a hill, there will be no labor. In case you are still able to take into account all the features of this dream, you will get a full interpretation. What in the end will give you this guide to the upcoming actions.

Other interpretations

Rolling in a dream from a children's hill means to commit a rash act in reality. The Dream of the Seasons recommends that you initially think, only then take action. At the same time, haste for making any decisions is not a good life policy for you.

The interpreter of Aesop explains to what the descent from a small hill dreamed. It means that you have to go through a series of failures. At the same time, problems will be reflected negatively on personal life and work. To deal with them, the dream book of Aesop advises, first of all, to cope with laziness and fears and begin to act.

Have you seen a dream climb to a high hill or a mountain and do not understand what it is? This will be answered by the Modern Dream Book. On the hill to climb - a very good sign. Due to persistence and hard work you will reach heights, which you can only dream about.

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