Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What does acne look like (on the face, on the body)? Why dream of pimples?

In real life, various kinds of rashes on the body deliver many unpleasant moments not only to women, but also to males. But how to treat a dream in which you saw a rash? In this case, the answer to the question of what the acne is looking for is to be found in ancient or modern dream books.

The main interpretation of this dream is that if a person sees all sorts of rashes too often in a dream, then he is overly concerned about the attitude of others around him, but excessive modesty and lack of confidence in his abilities prevent him from achieving universal appreciation. However, this is a generalized opinion. To get a more complete answer about what the acne on the body looks like, you should consider all the details of the dream. In addition, it must be borne in mind that each of the dream books has its own version of the interpretation. So, we'll figure out what the acne looks like.

Dream Interpreter of the Yellow Emperor

According to this edition, any rashes on the body symbolize the beginning of the pathogenic process. And the location of the rash indicates which organ is affected. For example, what does acne on the forehead look like? This usually indicates heart disease. In turn, a rash on the right cheek means lung diseases, on the left - a liver and a gall bladder. If the acne in the dream jumped out on the chin, then the dreamer should check the kidneys, above the upper lip - the duodenum and stomach. In addition, to more fully explain the dream, the dreamer should remember what he did with the rashes that appeared. Let's say that rinsing off a rash is not a very favorable sign, since only surface symptoms will be removed, but the internal problem will remain. Why dream of squeezing a pimple? In this case, it is required to recall how much the mass left the pimple and how clean the hole left after it. Purulent discharge means a serious disease, so it is very important that the place of the pimple remains clean after extrusion. Otherwise, such a dream will indicate a prolonged illness with possible fatal outcome.

Dream of Catherine the Great

The answer to the question about what acne is seen in is also in this publication. As a rule, such a vision indicates that the dreamer is working too much, but he does not feel satisfaction with it. If the pimples are not covered by the sleeping person himself, but by someone from his environment, then there is cause for concern for these people. It is possible that they got involved in some kind of bad business, which may result in self-mutilation. Why do I have acne on my face? If such a dream occurred to a girl, then in the near future, relatives will condemn her behavior. A man such a dream warns against ill-considered actions, which can have tragic consequences.

The Great Dream Book

Why do I have acne on my face? According to the allegations of this edition, such a dream means that the dreamer will experience unpleasant feelings and become depressed. And why dream of squeezing a pimple? Such a vision may mean that the dreamer will involuntarily witness a scandalous incident. Also this dream can warn that soon you will be summoned to the court for interrogation in a case to which you have nothing to do. If acne on the face is not the dreamer himself, but the person with whom he communicates, then the sleeper will be convinced of the hostility of the one whom he initially took as a faithful friend.

Sonnik Miller

Acne can dream and to an unexpectedly pleasant event. If in a dream the face of a dreamworm is strewn with a rash, then soon he will have an acquaintance, which will turn into a serious relationship. If the furuncles cover the face of another person, then the impending acquaintance will only go to an easy, meaningless flirtation. Why does a purulent pimple dream ? According to the author, such a dream is a symbol of luck. This means that the dreamer has a white band in his life, and it is very important not to miss this moment. A large number of pimples, located throughout the dreamer's body, heralds him to communicate with an unpleasant person for him. Engage in sleep treatment of acne - to become a participant in scuffles, scandals. Considering the squeezed pimple means that in the environment of the dreamer appeared an unnecessarily curious person who incredibly irritates him. If the sleeper tries to squeeze a furuncle in a dream from another person, then his behavior is excessively emotional, which can lead to major trouble. Sleep, in which acne delivers the host unpleasant sensations (pain, itching), means that the solution of the conflict between strangers will lie on the shoulders of the dreamer. A rash on the nose portends a failure in competitions, a loss, a collapse in the business sphere. Seeing such a dream, it is better for a person to temporarily abandon the ideas conceived, because during this period any case will be unsuccessful. If in a dream the sleeper is very worried about the appearance of acne, then, in real life, his anxiety is gnawing. A dream in which the dreamer is embarrassed by his appearance and because of the rash does not leave the house, suggests that in real life he has a problem that he can not solve on his own.

The esoteric dream book

Rashes on the body, as a rule, is made for those people who have not found themselves in life. And the more often they have to see such dreams, the more seriously one should think about the change of professional activity. Why dream of pimples? According to this dream book, this action means that the dreamer is trying to change his life, but without the help of others this is unlikely to work. Acne on the face can portend a romantic acquaintance, turning into a serious relationship. The rash on the face of another - to a slight flirtation.

French dream book

This edition treats a similar dream a little differently. According to him, the pimple dreams of a joyful event. It is likely that a baby will appear in the dreamer's house. A pimple squeezed out can mean getting rid of problems.

Islamic dream book

Rotting, bursting pimples in a dream are treated as an unexpected success. If the dreamer has almost the whole body covered with a rash, then, for him comes a white band in life. During this period he is lucky in any endeavors. It is also possible that this dream means unexpected wealth. For example, it can be an inheritance from distant relatives, about whose existence the dreamer has not even heard. To see in his dream another person whose face is struck by pimples is not a very favorable sign. This means a decrease in the authority and glory of the dreamer.

Dreams of Dmitry and Hopes of Winter

Acne seen in a dream symbolizes a hidden dislike. If the rash on the body of another person, it means that in the environment of the dreamer there is a hidden enemy who has planned something bad against him. To see your own body, covered with pimples, it means that the dreamer himself experiences a sharp dislike for someone from the immediate environment. However, due to some reasons, he can not communicate with him. Sometimes pimples on their own body indicate discontent with themselves. Probably, the dreamer should be more tolerant towards his and other people's shortcomings. His own face, disfigured by huge purulent furuncles, is a warning about unpleasant events, due to which the dreamer will be in a depressed state for a long time. Pimple on the nose means that the dreamer has some idea that will help him in the future "get to his feet." Now the main thing is not to miss the chance and bring the matter to the end.

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