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Why do muscles ache after training? All versions

Before considering the question "why muscles ache after training," we will get acquainted with some facts related to this important component of our body. The human muscles are quite complex in structure with a cloth. In total, three types of muscles are distinguished - cardiac, smooth (cut the walls of the intestine, vessels, etc.) and skeletal muscles - move the individual parts of the skeleton relative to each other. The basis of the latter is a large (up to 14 cm) muscle fiber cell, which is the basic unit of contractile processes. The fibers are assembled into bundles, which together form a muscle connected to the bones by means of tendons. Management of the muscular systems is carried out by axons - nerve cells, which have branches suitable for each fiber.

The problem, why muscles ache after training, is of interest to many beginning athletes. To solve it you need to know some basics of biochemistry:

- muscle fibers are reduced due to the energy obtained from ATP molecules;

- the stock of ATP in muscles is extremely limited;

- replenishment of ATP is carried out due to glycolysis - the breakdown of glucose into lactic acid molecules and the release of energy necessary for the synthesis of ATP ;

- energy appears when the cleavage of creatine phosphate to produce acid and ADP;

- Also energy can be obtained by aerobic way, when water, carbon dioxide and adenosine triphosphoric acid are obtained from oxygen, glucose and ADP.

As we see, with the formation of energy in all cases, an acid appears in the chemical reaction, which explains why muscles ache after training. There is a feeling of some "stiffness", limitation in movements, which can last more than one day, if not to take certain measures. If the muscles ache after training, then you need to take a set of measures to reduce acidity. This is facilitated by a warm-up and a warm shower immediately after exercising, as well as a gradual increase in loads for those who start training from scratch. A hot bath and taking ascorbic acid give an expansion of the vessels. And, of course, do not forget about the appropriate nutrition, necessary for all physiological processes.

How to relieve muscle pain after training, if it occurs, for example, every other day? This type of physical suffering athletes call "postponed" pain. And they are most often associated with microtraumas in the muscle fiber (in short myofibrils) that occur with excessive loads. Here, because of the additional amount of water entering the cell to dissolve damaged by lysosomes, micro-cells arise, which give painful sensations. In athletes with a history of short myofibrils is small, so they experience less pain in this plan.

Sometimes the problem of why muscles ache after training is associated with more serious processes that impose a temporary ban on any serious sporting activity. In this case, it may be a stretching of the muscle or a rupture of the ligament. Damage to the latter often requires surgical intervention. But the damage to the muscle fiber is treated first by imposing a tight bandage and observing a calm regimen followed by (in a couple of days) using warming ointments to accelerate the regeneration processes.

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