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Why did the men come early?

As a rule, the most experience of girls causes a delay in menstruation. However, if the "critical days" occur much earlier than the deadline, this is also an occasion to reflect. Of course, if this happened once, there is nothing to worry about: it may be due to weather and / or climate change, diseases, etc. But if such disruptions occur not for the first time, it is worthwhile to consider why the men came earlier.

Experts believe that there are many reasons why this happens. Quite often, the reason for the early onset of menstruation is the transferred stress, especially when it comes to long-term experiences. As is known, the nervous system is responsible for the expansion of blood vessels, the activity of uterine musculature and the occurrence of spasms. If there was a failure in the CNS, it is likely that rejection of the endometrium and bleeding itself will occur sooner than expected. It is also believed that this happens if the body of a woman is often subjected to strong physical stress.

If you use a variety of contraceptives, then one of the reasons why menstruation came earlier may be just this. The greatest danger is contained in itself hormonal preparations. It is almost impossible to cope with the problem on your own, it's better to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Often the question of why the men have come earlier, worried about the fans of various diets, in particular extreme. With this diet, the body is forced to get used to just a few foods. Even if the first few months it does not affect the condition of the body, sooner or later the stores of nutrients will be exhausted. Deficiency of them, in turn, can cause many violations, including violations of the cycle.

If the men have come earlier than time, this, among other things, can be caused by various neoplasms. Benign tumors, like malignant ones, can cause an early onset of menstruation. Here it is worth noting that myoma of the uterus (benign tumor) is extremely common.

Talking about why the menstrual came before the time, it is worth saying that often bleeding occurs as a result of injuries to the vagina and cervix. If it appeared immediately (or soon) after intercourse, it is likely that the reason is just this. Do not let everything go on its own and wait for the injuries to heal themselves. Among other things, this can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the bleeding in the first hours will resemble a weak "daub". And little bleeding is not ruled out even with a normally fertilized egg. The very appearance of bleeding indicates the detachment of the lining of the uterus. After a couple of days, the discharge turns into heavy bleeding, which is the termination of pregnancy. To save the child, you should always contact the doctor.

If the men have come earlier for a week or a few days, be sure to evaluate your well-being in "critical days". For example, if the cause is a CNS disorder, then, among other things, you will experience a number of other unpleasant symptoms. It can be headaches, frequent attacks of nausea, insomnia - each manifests itself in different ways. Infectious diseases also "make themselves felt": most often in this case, menstrual diseases are accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. And if we are talking about hormonal disorders, in the secretions, most likely, there will be unusual clots.

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