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White cabbage. Useful properties, cabbage treatment and its application in cosmetology

Cabbage has a huge range of uses in folk medicine and cosmetology, thanks to its medicinal and healing properties. Why white cabbage is useful, we learn from the article.

The use of white cabbage is the result of its composition

Cabbage contains an extensive set of vitamins necessary for human life: vitamins C, group B, K, provitamin A, as well as an anti-vitamin vitamin U. Fresh and sauerkraut retain their healing and nutritional properties and in salads almost in full. Only you need to consider that adding cabbage to the salt kills its value.

White cabbage. Useful properties in cosmetology

White cabbage, useful properties of which are widely used in cosmetology, is used in the form of various face masks. Masks from cabbage have a whitening effect. In addition, they perfectly moisturize the skin. A mask of cabbage is applied on the washed skin, avoiding the areas around the eyes. The simplest of the nutritious cabbage masks: grated carrots and cabbage are squeezed out, in the resulting mass is added a spoonful of yogurt and honey. The mask is applied for 10 minutes. On the face, and then washed off.

When eczema is attached fresh cabbage leaf to diseased areas. Hold for 2 days until relief is felt. After this, the leaf is removed, the patient is washed and then the fresh leaf is tied. Do this several times. Burns also use fresh cabbage leaves in the form of bandages.

White cabbage. Useful properties in medicine

Using cabbage juice, treat the ulcer of the duodenum. But there is a drawback - the frequent formation of gases. Useful properties of cabbage are used in the treatment of gout. Cabbage raw leaves are applied to sore spots, which helps to relieve gouty pain and tingling in the side.

Cabbage juice has an excellent purifying and weight-reducing properties. The origin of gases can be explained by the fact that cabbage juice decomposes accumulated rotting products in the intestine by chemical reaction. Eliminate the gases and products of decay, which are the cause of their occurrence, help enemas. If a lot of gas is formed after drinking juice or there is a feeling of anxiety, this can be a consequence of the toxic state of the intestine. In this case, before applying the juice, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines by drinking carrot juice every day for 3 weeks with regular enema cleansing. Experts argue that if the intestine is able to absorb cabbage juice, then the latter acts as a long-term cleanser, especially with obesity.

At a radiculum cabbage leaves the painful places, and cover from above with a film (a compress paper), tie up a handkerchief, a warm cloth. And with headaches, fresh leaves are applied to the head. The mixture of cabbage juice with carrots forms an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a means of purification, especially with gum infection. Cabbage juice is very effective for tumors or constipation. Since constipation is the main cause of the rash on the skin, it will disappear when you use cabbage juice.

Cabbage juice is also used for chronic gastritis, especially with low acidity, with ulcers, diseases of the spleen and liver, obesity. You should take juice 200-400 ml twice or thrice a day in a warm form, before eating. With the same diseases take brine from sauerkraut (100-300 ml) in a warm form.

At home, the juice is squeezed out of the crushed leaves of a cabbage ripe head. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than two days. And with further storage, antiulcerous properties are lost, since the antiulcer vitamin is completely destroyed. With scurvy you need to eat any varieties of cabbage. Especially useful are salads with fresh cabbage, because they contain more vitamin C. Just remember that undercooked cabbage has a laxative effect, and digested strengthens the stomach. When hemorrhoids with constipation, bleeding or dyspepsia also use brine from sauerkraut. Decoction of cabbage, carrots and beets is useful for infants with rickets. It is used several times a day.

When osteochondrosis apply to the spine or joint area, cabbage leaves with mashed household soap or burdock leaves, strengthen, bandage, leave for the night. The same recipe is used for hemorrhoids, only apply leaves before meals twice a day. With the hoarseness of the voice and with a cough apply fresh cabbage juice with the addition of sugar as an expectorant. Take several times a day on a teaspoon. And cabbage broths with honey drink at illness of respiratory ways. In diseases of the spleen, juice is taken 100 ml twice a day in a warm form before meals.

For rinses with inflammation of the throat, fresh cabbage juice is used, diluted in equal proportions with water. The throat is rinsed several times a day. With cancer of the intestines and stomach, Graves' disease or anemia, cabbage juice is drunk 100 ml an hour before meals twice or thrice a day in a warm form, often with sugar or honey. The course of treatment is a month. A mixture of pickles from sauerkraut together with tomato juice is recommended for liver diseases (100 ml each).

Here is a white cabbage. Its useful properties will help with many diseases.

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