Homeliness, Do it yourself
How to sharpen the scissors at home? Simple, fast, affordable!
Scissors are in the kitchen the second most frequent use of the cutting object after the knife. Without them, it is quite difficult to separate fish, some parts of bird carcasses, etc. But, unlike the "king of the kitchen" mentioned, the zone of their use goes far beyond the borders of this territory. After all, scissors are also garden, tailors, manicure, hairdressers, etc. Depending on their purpose, they have different shapes and sizes. With frequent use blunt blades occur. Therefore it is necessary to reflect: whether it is possible and how to sharpen scissors in house conditions? Solve this problem will help the advice presented in this article. Certainly some of them will be useful due to their simplicity and availability of application, and they will be used by the hostess if necessary.
The first way: how to conduct preliminary sharpening "in a hurry"
It is possible that at hand there are no special materials, or appropriate tools for sharpening. In addition, it is necessary to solve the problem quickly and without delay. After all, there are such situations, for example, when you need to quickly finish the dress, and scissors began to "chew" the fabric. Take in this case a normal needle and, as it were, cut it, carrying out the blades with some effort. You can use for this purpose a thin glass object (the neck of the bottle) or some iron rod. Of course, this method, how to sharpen the scissors, does not provide a 100% quality result. But for some time you can still feel the tangible sharpness of the blades.
Method two: how to sharpen the scissors with sandpaper
The technology of work will be similar to the above tips. To do this, take a small piece of emery cloth and excise it with scissors in different directions. You can also rub the blades with the specified material, pressing slightly from above. In this case, it is necessary to use coarse-grained material, which is easier to process. Be sure to work with the fact that the grinding zone is the outer edges of the scissors. The internal surface can not be rubbed, otherwise it is possible not to "cure" the instrument, but to spoil it. Two of these options, how to sharpen the scissors, are fairly simple and accessible. But that the result was more qualitative, it is possible to use other methods.
Method three: use the file
There are special bars with which you can sharpen not only kitchen knives, but also scissors. They also include a variety of diamond nadfili. For blades processing, several times are carried out on the specified object, which lies on a flat surface. One hand needs to press the bar to the table, and the other - to move the scissors (leaning the outer side of the point) in the direction from the handles to the ends. A little different when using the file. It takes some time to sharpen the scissors. In one hand (working) holds the file handle, in the other - open scissors. You can press the point for support in any non-slip surface. After several movements, gently try the sharpness of the surface of the blade with your finger.
Method four: how to sharpen the scissors with the help of special devices and devices
There are several types of processing tools. First of all, it is, of course, special machines. By lightly pressing the blade to the rotating disc, and sharpening occurs. Of course, this requires a certain skill and skill. Also, there is a risk of damaging your fingers, so do not allow children to work on these devices. A simpler and very convenient device, especially for direct use by women - is a knife and scissors sharpener, sold in supermarkets and hardware stores. Just one move - and the blades will be sharp without any further processing. Therefore, to have a mistress at hand such an object will be very useful.
Sharpening in several stages
So, having studied all the described options, how to properly sharpen the scissors? In the event that there are no special factory devices in the household, the work is recommended to be carried out in several stages in order to obtain the best result. For this, before machining, remove the accumulated dirt from the blades with a cotton swab or cloth soaked in a solvent. Depending on the purpose of the scissors, it can be earth, food residues, paint, fine fabric dust, etc. Removing the foreign layer will ensure a better result. Then, first use a file or a coarse-grained bar. Then, to fix the result, use coarse sandpaper, and then a fine one. Finally, slightly tighten the bolt that pulls the blades. After all, perhaps this was the main reason that the scissors do not want to "obey" the master.
All! The gun is ready to go!
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