BeautySkin care

Vacuum jars for massage: reviews, photos

A beautiful figure wants to have every woman. However, cellulite does not allow you to enjoy your forms to either lean ladies or full. Its elimination must begin with proper nutrition, lifestyle changes and constant physical exertion. If you use all the methods in the complex, then, according to the reviews, vacuum banks can provide additional help for the massage.

The essence of can massage

At home, our grandmothers were cured with cans of bronchitis, radiculitis and various neuralgia. They were made of glass, and the creation of a vacuum in them was due to the combustion of air inside. Currently, banks are made of plastic, with a pear inside.

The course of vacuum massage by banks at home, according to women, will help:

  • Reduce pain without using drugs;
  • To stop the development of arthrosis;
  • Get the maximum effect in the treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Reduce the inflammatory process in the body;
  • Increase immunity;
  • When treating bronchitis, tracheitis, chronic cough;
  • Restore the genitourinary system.

All this assistance relates to the treatment of diseases, but medical banks are still very effective in maintaining the beauty of the woman's body.

Vacuum body massage

Massage helps to solve problems associated with cellulite and overweight. It can be held both in the salon and at home. The possibilities of massage are as follows:

  • Release the skin and subcutaneous tissues from toxins and toxins;
  • To transform muscles into living and elastic;
  • Improve the outline of the figure;
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Adjust the face oval.

All this will require a woman of minimal physical and material costs, if the procedures will be carried out at home.

What you need for a massage

For the procedure, banks are needed. If they are made of glass, then to carry out the massage you will need some things, without which the banks simply do not stick to the body. This is Vaseline, matches, tweezers, cotton wool and a towel. Modern banks do not require all this, so the procedure with them is easily accomplished.

According to the available reviews, vacuum massage cans have a good effect, and therefore women often use them for such procedures.

For best effect, you need to choose a cream for anti-cellulite massage. Experts for the best result apply massage oil with pepper. For the procedure, sometimes used olive oil (cold pressing) or a mixture of essential oils (citrus, rosemary, geranium, etc.).

A variety of cans for massage

What vacuum banks for massage from cellulite, according to reviews, are the most effective? Banks for massage are made from many materials, before they were made only of glass. What material is used in them:

  • Glass. This material is considered one of the best for the production of cans. The main advantage of glass is the ease of maintenance and long life. Modern banks have a special pear, which they attach to the body and do not require additional devices.
  • Rubber. The advantage of rubber cans for vacuum massage, according to reviews, is low cost, and in terms of efficiency they are not inferior to glass. The only difference is the low life and difficulty in care (it is difficult to clean oil and vaseline spots).
  • Latex. Banks are distinguished by a long service life, but have a high cost. A set of them consists of 2 pieces, differing in the shape of the hole. One bank is round, and the other - an oval hole.
  • Medical plastic. From this material, sets of cans are made, to which a vacuum pump is attached. The advantage of them is the ability to adjust the desired effect. Different diameters of cans allow them to be used for specific areas of the body. Such sets are sold for both home and professional massage.
  • According to reviews, vacuum massage with silicone cans is very convenient and effective. Different banks have a good aesthetic appearance, as well as an optimal ratio of price and quality.

Which banks to use for massage? The opinions of women differ. Someone prefers glass, and someone - latex or medical plastic.

Effectiveness of the fight against cellulite

Reduction of external manifestations of cellulitis depends:

  • From its degree;
  • From the professionalism of the specialist;
  • From complex measures.

With its neglected forms, according to women's reviews, massage by vacuum banks against cellulite will prove ineffective. To reduce its manifestations, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach that only a specialist can do. Therefore, with such problems it is necessary to apply only to a professional.

In the initial stages with cellulite can be fought and at home.

The most common places for holding a can of massage

The procedure of can massage is applied on the following parts of the body:

  • Neck and collar zone;
  • back;
  • Lumbar region;
  • Thigh;
  • Shoulders;
  • Shanks.

When setting the cans on the back, you must avoid the heart area.

Anticellulite massage

The procedure of anti-cellulite massage by vacuum cans, according to women, includes such areas: lumbar, along the spine, buttocks, thighs, upper back and third of the shin. It helps not only reduce fat deposits, but also improve the condition of the skin. After several sessions of massage, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin will improve, its resistance to mechanical damage. This procedure can be carried out at least once a year to maintain the result. It includes 10-15 sessions.

In order to do massage at home, you need:

  • Wash the banks and disinfect them;
  • The area of the body on which the massage will be performed must be greased with cream or oil (olive oil, orange or lemon oil can be used);
  • The duration of the procedure is not more than 20 minutes, and the preparation time is 5 minutes. And the exposure time is 15 minutes;
  • During the period of relaxation, the body should spread heat, and in case of unpleasant sensations, the canisters are removed in order to avoid bruising on the body;
  • Before the procedure it is desirable to remove the hair on certain parts of the body.

It is necessary to comply with all the rules of anti-cellulite massage in order to avoid negative consequences.

Technique of carrying out of massage by vacuum banks

This procedure is attractive to women not only for efficiency, but also for ease of use. In order to obtain the result, the preparatory stage must be properly carried out:

  • Rub dry skin with a massage brush, the movements should go vertically;
  • Take a shower using a scrub;
  • Wipe the body dry;
  • Apply a cream for massage or oil.

After the preparatory stage, there is an improvement in the flow of blood and lymph. Now you can start the massage itself. It is not necessary to cover at once many parts of the body, it is better to concentrate on one thing. Set the jar and start the massage with slow movements. The skin should be drawn into it by 1 cm. The procedure is performed on special massage lines, while the following zones should be avoided: the groin, the site inside the thighs and under the knees. Movements should be spiraling, straight lines and zigzagging. The duration of the procedure for each site is different.

  • The buttocks should be massaged for 10 minutes in a circular motion, and then vertical - 3 minutes.
  • On the back of the procedure is no less than 20 minutes.
  • Massage of the stomach with vacuum cans, according to reviews, is very effective. It is held in 2 stages. Within 10 minutes in a clockwise direction, in the presence of non-inflammatory diseases - 5. Each side is massaged for 2 minutes.
  • For the legs, the procedure lasts 45 minutes, beginning with the knee in the direction from the bottom up.
  • The face is massaged for at least 15 minutes. The technique of its carrying out differs in some features, which is related to the structure of the skin.

What happens to the body during a can of massage

During the procedure, irritation of the upper layer of the skin, as well as nerve endings and blood vessels occurs. There is an increase in blood flow and lymph flow.

In the vacuum massage zone the erythrocyte decays, which promotes the stimulation of local immunity.

Heat generated by the procedure is caused by irritation of nerve endings and increased blood circulation.

Massage, according to reviews, has an effective effect on the skin, but it is very painful and leaves bruises and redness on the skin. Basically, the skin reacts at the first sessions, after 4-5 procedures such a sensation passes completely. The spots dissolve and do not appear any more.

Face massage

According to reviews, facial massage with vacuum cans (photo shown below) is done more in health than for cosmetic purposes.

The skin becomes tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and blush comes back. Massage helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Sometimes on the skin can form hemorrhages that have nothing to do with bruises that appear on the body. The skin begins to produce more elastin and collagen.

For several sessions, massage helps:

  • Reduce wrinkles;
  • Return the natural complexion;
  • Restore the tone of the skin;
  • Clear pores, thereby reducing the production of sebum;
  • To accelerate the metabolic processes of the skin.

Face massage is contraindicated in case of:

  • Inflamed acne on the skin;
  • Wounds on the face;
  • Acne;
  • Large amount of facial hair;
  • Close proximity of capillaries to the skin;
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.

Massage the face should be done with caution, as for the procedure at home.

Contraindications to a can massage

According to reviews, vacuum cans for massage can deliver the following troubles:

  • Severe pain with massage. It depends on the individual pain threshold of a person.
  • Bruises and redness on the skin, which can persist for 14 days.
  • Absence of effect during the procedure without lack of practice.

Banana massage has contraindications:

  • Varicosity;
  • Eczema or dermatitis;
  • Fungus of the skin;
  • Abscesses or wounds on the skin;
  • Infectious diseases, which are accompanied by high fever;
  • Low hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Birthmarks (birthmarks) in the massage area;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Stressful state;
  • pregnancy.

During the procedure it is necessary to inform the specialist about the existing diseases, in order to avoid possible complications after the can of massage.

According to reviews, vacuum massage cans serve as an additional means for treating many diseases, if we adhere to an integrated approach and rational use of them.

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