HealthHealthy Eating

How to care for a tea mushroom: tips and tricks

The so-called zooleia is a symbiosis of two kinds of organisms - the yeast fungus and the acetic acid bacterium. In the second half of the 19th century, the tea fungus became widespread in Russia, by the beginning of 1940 it could be found in almost every home. How to care for the tea mushroom was well known in England, Prussia and France. Here the production of vinegar by the so-called Orleans method was organized on an industrial scale. Weight zoolei reached 100 kilograms, and a ready drink was decanted, opening special cranes in wooden containers.

The fungus feeds on a weak solution of sugar and tea, hence its name. How to care for a tea mushroom at home? It's quite simple, you just have to follow a few simple rules:

  • He is afraid of direct contact with sugar, so you must first make a weak solution and only then "feed", watering from above.
  • Observe the temperature regime, the fungus is a living organism, and too hot a solution can damage it.
  • Direct sunlight can damage the zoole.
  • Keep at room temperature, it is best to keep it constant.
  • Observe the regime, here it is necessary to approach individually. The more weight - the more nutrition you need to maintain the vital activity of this organism. Accordingly, the quantity of the drink at the output increases.

But suppose, for some reason (vacation, long business trip, etc.), conditions of detention were violated. How to care for the tea mushroom in this case? The fact is that nothing terrible has happened. He is unpretentious and, in the absence of favorable conditions, simply "falls asleep." It is enough to place a small piece in a weak solution of sweet tea and the "living factory" will work again.

On this, its amazing properties do not end there. How to care for a tea mushroom if it simply does not exist? The fact is that the drink already has a large amount of yeast and acetic bacteria, and with proper care you can grow the zoo yourself. This will take a little longer. Begin to "feed" the drink and soon a thin film will appear on its surface, which in time will turn into a full-fledged tea mushroom, the useful properties of which have recently been under the close attention of leading dieticians.

The fact is that the set of acids in the drink is not limited to acetic acid only. It contains a large amount of folic, gluconic, citric, malic, pyruvic, oxalic, etc. Due to its unique properties, the kombucha is actively used for weight loss. The drink contains various enzymes, vitamins and even some types of antibiotics. Has a positive effect on the entire body, significantly improving all metabolic processes.

As you can see, the drink not only quenches thirst well in the summer period of time, but also acts as a powerful biostimulator. It is easy to grow it at home. The only restriction in use may be certain chronic diseases. Before use, consult with a nutritionist.

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