HomelinessPest Control

Which plant scares off the smell of moth? What is the mole afraid of?

Despite the fact that we always try to keep our home in order, sometimes uninvited guests still invade it. One of them is a mole. This is a very annoying insect, which in a short time can do a lot of dirty tricks and cause material damage. Scientists distinguish about 30 types of moths: fruit, cabbage, grain, carpet, wool ...

Let's talk about pests that appear in the apartments. They settle not only in chests of drawers with woolen and fur things, but also in kitchen boxes with food. It is important not to delay and get rid of insects until they developed too much, and they did not spoil the clothes and all the stocks of cereals in the house. This can only be done with the help of drugs that kill enough to moth.

For prevention, it is not necessary to take harmful pesticides. They can be found by children or animals. It is necessary to find out which plant scares off the mole with its odor, and use it. It is no less effective, but absolutely safe for health method.

Savory Lavender

Lavender is a beautiful, thermophilic and evergreen shrub with gently purple flowers. Her homeland is the Mediterranean. Less whimsical English lavender, some growers and grow in our conditions.

Its flowers and leaves are widely used in cosmetic and perfume products. Lavender is also known as a plant that repels a moth with its odor. The moth does not tolerate the sharp aroma that this flower possesses.

Dry grass of lavender can be bought at the pharmacy, packed in rag bags and spread out around the house. Then hardly any winged pest wont want to fly and settle in your apartment.

Ordinary tansy

Tansy, unlike lavender, in our locality grows almost everywhere. Even on vacant lots and along roads in the city one can see its bright yellow inflorescences, which the people called "wild rowan". It is considered a medicinal plant from which the anthelmintic preparations are made.

If you ask the herbalists, which plant scares off the smell of moth, the answer will be - tansy and herbal preparations with her. After all, it was she who became famous as one of the best preventive remedies for moths. Insects do not tolerate the spicy smell of these flowers.

Dry grass and tansy powder can be purchased from pharmacists or collected and harvested independently. Laying it into the habitats of butterflies, you will soon find that they are no more.

Useful fennel

And what plant scares off the smell of moth and eat in every garden? Of course, this is a useful and therapeutic dill. Its greenery contains vitamins C and B, folic and nicotinic acids, keratin, and also salts of calcium, sodium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. That is why it has expectorant, diuretic effects and improves the digestive system. In addition, dill is delicious, and no summer salad can do without it.

The Latin name of the spice Anetum graveolens means "strongly smelling". This sharp, specific smell is familiar to us from childhood. And dried fennel is useful in winter, not only for the preparation of delicious and fragrant dishes, but also expel from the kitchen moth.

Beauty geranium

It was not in vain that our grandmothers loved to grow fragrant geraniums on the windowsills , blooming almost all year round. This house plant, repelling the moth, is known as one of the best folk remedies. Its stems and leaves, when touched, give off an unpleasant, sharp odor that insects do not like.

To get rid of moths in the cupboards, you need to put on the shelves fresh leaves of geranium. When they wither and cease to smell, you need to replace them with new ones. You can use geranium oil. To do this, you need 25 drops to add a liter of water and wash all the furniture with this solution. After such a procedure, the moth does not exactly want to live in your closets.

Refreshing moth protection

Plectranthus is another houseplant that repels the moth with its odor. The moth hates ethereal oil, which is contained in its leaves. This shrub, which hails from South America, has long been popular in our country. Many decorate their windows. The plant is unpretentious. Contain it can even beginners florists. Plectranthus refreshes the air, bringing at the same time fragrant notes of lemon balm, mint, camphor and lemon. Butterfly-pests avoid similar smells. That is why people called the flower a "mole tree".


Virtually none of the herbs are so often used in non-traditional medicine, like wormwood. You can find it in dry ravines by the river or in sunny clearings in the forest.

Stems and flowers need to be harvested in July, then thoroughly dry them in a shaded place. The ready-made grass should be spread out over bags or tie into brooms and hang. It is difficult to say which plant scares off the mole with its odor better than bunches of wormwood. Even ants, cockroaches, fleas and flies are cautious. Washing the floor and furniture with the decoction of this herb, you will get rid not only of annoying insects, but also create in the apartment the atmosphere of the summer meadow thanks to the pleasant fragrance of wormwood.

A few simple rules

To moth does not start in your home, you need not only to know which plant repels the moth, but also observe some simple rules.

  1. In dry and hot weather in summer, take out to dry all warm clothes, blankets, carpets and pillows. Moth does not like the sun, as it leads a night and gloomy lifestyle. The same thing you need to do in the cold. From changes in temperature, all butterflies and their larvae die.
  2. Get rid of all unnecessary things, make cabinets spacious. All clothing in them must be clean. Put pieces of household or strawberry soap between things. Fur coats and woolen coats with natural collars in plastic bags with a snake or in special paper covers treated with antifilament agent. Remember, the moth hates purity.
  3. Find out which plant scares off the smell of moth. Make a sachet out of it and put it in the dresser.
  4. Kitchen furniture periodically wash with a soap solution or with essential oils of fir, lavender, carnations. All the cracks and grooves in the cabinets carefully cover with vinegar. The moth avoids all these smells.
  5. Grocery store in tightly closed glass jars or in containers tightly bound with plastic bags.
  6. Often ventilate the apartment and open the furniture door. The smell of caked things attracts a moth to them.
  7. Cover the ventilation with a small capron or metal mesh to prevent insects from entering your housing.
  8. Products in which you find larvae of moths, do not regret and immediately throw it away. If they are spoiled a little bit, go through, and then necessarily dry them in a hot oven or microwave.
  9. Gnawed insects woolen things for eggs, treat them with special means from moths and wash.
  10. After finding a flying butterfly-pest, check all the food stocks and clothes in the cabinets. The main thing is to take timely measures in time.

Which plant scares off the mole with its odor most effectively? This can be learned if you try everything. Do not forget that the moth, having got used to the fragrance, will stop reacting to it. Therefore, you need to periodically replace plants. And it is even better to make a collection of several.

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