
Where is the stereo mixer used?

About music and its meaning in the life of every person can talk for a long time. However, it's no secret that everyone perceives music in different ways. That's why all the time there are different directions in music. It should be noted that for quality listening and even performance, a device such as a sound mixer is used.

It serves to connect several audio tracks, and it can give specific sound parameters to each soundtrack. Thanks to it it is possible to connect a guitar, a piano, percussions and a microphone in separate sound channels. After that the sound produced by these devices can be mixed in a different tone, with the addition of special effects and even with a certain delay.

A modern audio mixer is a rather complex device. It includes all the features necessary for converting music, starting with lowering the volume of a certain channel on a general background and ending with giving a specific effect to the sound with the built-in equalizer or reverb. At the same time, all temporary devices of this type have long switched to electronic music processing, which greatly expanded their capabilities.

Currently, a professional stereo mixer is a real studio. In fact, it is the basis of any media company for sound recording. Without its application, not a single concert or performance can do. It is the main component in the acquisition of sound equipment, and on its basis the whole system of modern music is built. It even goes so far that some performers use a stereo mixer to adjust the frequency or timbre of their voice when playing songs.

To work with this device was invented a special profession called "sound engineer". It requires not only technical knowledge and certain skills, but also the presence of musical ear. Quite often, the result of the whole event depends on these people. Therefore, the famous singers, who cherish their name, prefer to go on tour with their sound engineer. In doing so, they take with them their equipment, among which there is a stereo mixer.

This attitude towards the quality of such equipment has given birth to certain requirements in the riders of less famous performers who indicate which stereo mixer should work in the hall where their performance will be conducted.

Also, all functions inherent in the mixer have been implemented in the software. A large number of programs for sound processing have been released, where there is an electronic mixer. It is completely similar to the standard device and at the same time it lacks the cumbersome dimensions of the original mezanism. And most operating systems have built-in programs to control the audio channels. Their functions include the process of receiving sound from incoming devices, processing it and further issuing the finished result.

Thus, mixers entered the modern world of sound as an integral attribute and an indispensable device.

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