
Syntax. Basic units of syntax. Syntactic relationships

Each language, including Russian, contains a large number of words. But these linguistic units do not mean anything without proper registration. And here the syntax comes to the rescue. The basic units of syntax are precisely responsible for the grammatical connection of words in sentences, which constitute human speech, written and oral. Knowledge of this important part of the science of language will help correctly and correctly formulate your thoughts. The syntax in the language system, the basic units of syntax, and consider below.

Syntax is a special section of language science

The structure of syntactic units, their meaning and interaction, is studied by a section of the grammar called "syntax". This word is of Greek origin, meaning "compilation" or "construction." Thus, the section studies how exactly from the whole set of words to build the basic units of syntax - word combination and sentence. If this section of grammar is learned at the proper level, the speech will be harmonious, logical and diverse.

Inseparable from the syntax is punctuation. This is a system of rules governing the setting of punctuation marks. They help to divide the text into sentences, and also logically arrange the syntactic units themselves.

Basic units

The basic units of syntax are the phrase and sentence. Each of them has its own characteristics and purpose. Also, the units of syntax include text and a complex syntactic whole.

Let's see what the basic units of syntax are. The table will help in this.



Has no communicative function, serves for the grammatical and semantic connection of words among themselves.

The minimal communicative unit, serves for registration of oral and written speech. Has predicativity.



One grammatical basis

Two grammatical bases

Catch the net, the wooden table, slow down the movement, jump high.

The forest today is extraordinarily beautiful.

He felt very sad.

I came to pay my respects.

Nature comes to life: here and there you can already hear birds singing.

Subordinate communication

So, we said what is the syntax, the basic units of syntax. Syntactic connections also determine how the relationship between the latter is realized. There are two types of connection, which can combine words in the phrase, which make up the elements of the sentence: writing and subordinating.

When we talk about the latter, it implies that there is an opportunity to identify the main part and the one that will depend on it. In other words, the main - from which you need to ask a question, the dependent - to which it is put.

Let's take a look at examples: know (what?) The exact time. In this phrase "know" will be the main word, "time" - dependent.

I do not know what tomorrow will bring me. Here we have before us a complex proposal with a subordinate connection between the parts. From the first - "I know" - we ask a question to the subordinate (what?) "What will tomorrow give me".

Ways of submission

A subordinate communication is realized in several ways. This is most noticeable inside the phrase.

  1. Matching: when you change the entire syntactic unit, the word forms that enter it also change. Wicker basket; A wicker basket, a wicker basket. Dependent words in this case can be participles, adjectives, ordinal numbers and pronouns-adjectives.
  2. Control: the dependent word remains unchanged, while the main one can change the grammatical form. Describes the landscape - described the landscape - describe the landscape - described the landscape. Dependent words: nouns, verbs, adjectives and quantitative numerals.
  3. Adjunction: communication only in meaning. They walked staggering, very handsome, he left to work. Here, all the immutable parts of speech are dependent.

Composing Communication

Unlike subordination, the writing connection connects absolutely equal parts. It can be like a special combination of words: flowers and grass, walked and rejoiced, and part of a complex sentence: "The street was quiet, but the house grew uneasy."

Here we do not distinguish the main and dependent words, this connection is formed intonationally or with the help of creative unions. Compare: "He walked, cried, did not notice anyone." He walked and cried. " In the first case only intonation is used, in the second case - the union and (the compositional connecting).

Phrase. Types of word combinations

So, above it was described what are the basic units of syntax. The phrase is the most minimal of them. It is two or more words connected in meaning, intonationally or grammatically. The word combinations from sentences are isolated because they are part of them. This is done as follows: In the street a little rain drizzles.

  1. First, the grammatical basis is determined. It is not a phrase. The rain is drizzling.
  2. Next, ask questions from the subject: rain (what?) Shallow.
  3. After that, from the predicate: drizzle (where?) In the street.

By what part of the speech the main word refers to, all phrases are divided into nominal (oak table, each of the guests, is capable of learning); Verbal (stumbling, talking clearly) and adverbial (very fun, to the right of the road, somewhere in the store).

Also the phrases are divided into simple and complex. In the first, only one question is possible: the sun (which?) Is bright and radiant. Complicated are more common. Compare: read (what?) A magazine (simple) and read (what) a popular science magazine. In the last example, the word "journal" is still asked a question to the word "popular science", so the phrase is complex.

Allocate free and integral phrases. The first differ in that each word of their composition is a full member of the sentence. The second in the sentence is not divided into component parts. Only two students passed the session perfectly. "Two students" is essentially a phrase, but in the sentence it acts as a subject, so it can be described as a whole.

Not a phrase

It should be remembered that phrases are never:

  1. Subject and predicate.
  2. Homogeneous sentence terms.
  3. Phraseologisms (they should not be confused with integral phrases, which are one member of the sentence: three sisters, a boy with a girl, etc.).
  4. Combinations of the service word and the independent part of speech: during the day (preposition and noun), so is he (union and pronoun), which is ignorant (particle and noun).
  5. Complex forms: I will read (future time), the highest (superlative), calmer (comparative degree), let it go (imperative mood).

Offer and its features

We already know that the basic units of syntax - this phrase and sentence, but it is the latter that is the most important. After all, our speech consists precisely of sentences: we think and talk with them, forming a coherent text.

What is the characteristic of the sentence as the basic unit of syntax? The grammatical basis is the indicator that distinguishes it from a word combination or a simple set of words. This feature is also called predicative, because it is the predicate that carries the indicator of reality or the unreality of what is happening. It is expressed through the inclination of the verb.

Also, the sentence as the basic unit of syntax is characterized by logical and intonational completeness. This short statement, the formulation of some idea of the subject of the conversation. It can not be confused with the phrase, because in the last logical completeness is not traced - it's just a grammatically connected set of words.

The grammatical basis

The grammatical basis is for every sentence. This is an indicator of its structure - the most important characteristic.

A predicative basis can be represented as subject and predicate, and each of them separately.

For example, the proposal: "We saw the long-awaited land." There are both main members here. Another thing is the proposal of this kind: "It became visible the long-awaited land." Here, from the basis of only the predicate - it became clear.

It is by the number of predicative foundations that the most important characteristic is given: a simple sentence before us or a complex one.

Briefly analyze each major term. The subject shows us the subject of speech, indicates what is said in the sentence. The predicate also means what the subject does, what it is, who or what it is. There are three types of this main term in structure and meaning: simple and compound, verbal and nominal.

What are the proposals

It is the sentences for the most part that are studying the syntax. The basic units of syntax are characterized by many parameters.

Regardless of the number of predicative bases, the following proposals are singled out:

  1. Goals of the utterance. Communicating with each other, people can report some facts (narrative sentences) , ask (questioning) or call for action (incentive). At the end of such syntactic units, a point, question or exclamation mark is placed accordingly.
  2. Emotional coloring. There are exclamation and exclusivism. It should be noted that the former may not necessarily be exceptionally motivating. For example, the sentence: What a ridiculous situation! We describe it as a narrative, but an exclamation. The whole blame for the modal particle is for, expressing admiration.

Characteristics of simple sentences

Simple sentences are the basic units of syntax. Let us briefly discuss their most important characteristics.

  1. One-part or two-part. This will indicate the grammatical basis. If it is represented by one of the members, the proposal will be one-part. Otherwise, two-part. If the sentence has only a subject or predicate, it is necessary to specify its type (definitely or indefinitely-personal, naming or impersonal).
  2. Common or not. Secondary members are responsible for this characteristic. If there is at least one of them - the proposal is widespread.
  3. Full or incomplete. The latter are typical for oral speech: they missed a member. Thus, it is not possible to build a logical chain without neighboring proposals. For example: "Are you reading a book?" - "No, the magazine." The answer to this question is an incomplete sentence.
  4. A simple sentence can be complicated. This is also one of its characteristics. As complicating elements stand isolated and secondary members, both common and not, also homogeneous structures, introductory words, appeals.

Simple and complex offers

Very diverse Russian syntax. The basic syntactic units are simple and complex sentences. Let's see what the difference is between them.

If the syntactic unit has one grammatical basis, then it will be a simple sentence. Today, the wind is very loud. The characteristics of such a proposal will follow the plan presented above.

There are times when a syntactic unit consists of several simple ones. Then it will be a complex proposal.

It is most difficult to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from a complex predicate. Here it is necessary to look attentively at the subject. If he is one subject, performing various actions, then the proposal will be simple. Let's consider examples:

"They walked through the streets of the city and enjoyed their newfound freedom." "They walked through the streets of the city, and the newfound freedom gave them strength." The first sentence is simple. There is only one predicative basis, complicated by homogeneous predicates: they walked, enjoyed. The second sentence will be difficult, because there are two grammatical foundations: they walked, freedom attached.

Types of links in complex sentences

As it was written above, the main units of the syntax are sentences. If we talk about complex structures, the most important characteristic of them will be the type of connection between the parts. These phenomena are also involved in syntax. The basic units of syntax, complex sentences, can include parts that are associated with subordinate and cohesive communication. Depending on this, there is a gradation of compound sentences and complex sentences.

We will understand each type in more detail. Components of compound sentences are equal. This equality gives them a special, cohesive connection. It is expressed in the fact that in the construction of sentences, compositional unions are used. Thus, the question from one simple sentence to another is impossible.

Example: "I want to return everything back, but something is constantly hindering me." This proposal is compound, the parts are connected by an adversarial union.

Also, the intonation plays an important role in the formation of a compound sentence: at the end of each simple sentence, it goes down - this characterizes the logical completeness.

Complex syntactic integer

What other elements does the Russian syntax include? The basic units of syntax are also complex sentences. They consist of elements, where one depends on the other. That is, between the simple parts of such a proposal it is always possible to raise the question: "The glade (which?), To which we came out, was hidden from prying eyes."

Such a relationship is realized through subordinate unions and intonation, descending to the end of each simple sentence.

Do not forget that there is an alliance. It implies the absence of formal elements between parts, only intonation completeness: the river was buzzing and bubbling; The ships that sailed over it feared for their safety.

We have analyzed what the Russian syntax includes. The basic syntactic units, the sentence and the phrase, form other structures, called the complex syntactic unit. And it, in turn, already forms the text. Inside it, as well as in any other element of the syntax, there are connections both grammatical, and semantic and even formal (for example, the unions from which the subsequent sentence begins).

What is a complex syntactic whole? This is a group of sentences, simple and complex, logically related to one basic thought. In other words, a complex syntactic whole is a microtem, in which an intermediate meaning is concluded. As a rule, it is limited to paragraph division.

It is not uncommon for a text to be a syntactic whole. Typically, these are short stories with one short storyline.

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