Publications and Writing Articles, Poetry
Where did the sparrow dine? In the zoo of the animals ...
Many parents have regular difficulties with teaching children expressive reading with the necessary intonation and punctuation marks. In reality, this is not as difficult as it seems. It is necessary only to entice the younger with this occupation and present the material in an easy and memorable form. We will analyze all the necessary measures on points by the example of the poem "Where did the sparrow dine?" (Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich). To do this, it is worthwhile to conduct a small preparatory work, to determine the goals and priorities, after finding out which all will fall into place.
Necessary materials:
• a book with poems;
• The 14th part of the children's cartoon "The Merry Carousel", in the drawing magazine of which finds the same classic story about where the sparrow dined.
• images of various birds;
• TV.
Preparatory activities
To interest the child, you need to make sure that he is ready to perceive the material or to show the importance of the work that will be carried out in the form of research. But do not be overly ambitious and intrusive, for the first time it's better to limit yourself to the following tasks:
• proofreading of material with punctuation marks;
• expressiveness in sentences with an intonational component;
• development of skills in speech system and diction;
• formation of interest in reading books and animation.
Learning Basics
Initially, it is worthwhile to conduct a small introduction, in which the main parts of the word are repeated with the children. To do this, in the room hang signs with the names of birds that are encrypted.
For example: со, дя, ро, тел, вей, бей, клест, во, лоло (sparrow, woodpecker, croach, nightingale). As you can see, the words are broken into syllables, and putting them together will not be a big deal. However, it is necessary to emphasize the features of the structure of each of them.
Offer to find a bird whose name consists of one syllable - crooked, of two - a woodpecker, and so on; Show images of feathered and co-composing matches. After the main character of the poem "Where the Sparrow dined" will be determined, it is necessary to start reading. It is a simple and entertaining form of presentation, so that there will be no difficulties with the perception of the material. If there are questions in the course of reading, then the answers to them should be explained in simple and understandable examples. For comparison: in the poem there is a word bran. Its meaning must be explained: the wheat skin, which is obtained when making flour and baking bread.
The final stage
In conclusion, it is worthwhile to show the cartoon "Where the Sparrow Dined", after watching which it is important to know the opinion of the child about what was viewed. How reliable, in his opinion, were the images of characters in the imagination and in the cartoon? You can draw several of them.
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