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What is gastritis? Its kinds.

The word "gastritis" is familiar even to a child, since this disease is the most common of all pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. So, what is gastritis and what are the causes of its development?

The disease, indeed, is very common among adults and children. They suffer more than half of the world's population. Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the stomach. It often accompanies other diseases of the digestive system, such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. There are different forms of gastritis, which are classified by the nature of the course, severity and localization.

By the nature of the flow, acute and chronic are isolated.

What is gastritis acute? Acute gastritis develops rapidly - for several days or even hours. The disease is characterized by the defeat of superficial or deeper layers of the gastric mucosa. With a timely begun correct treatment, acute gastritis is completely cured without any consequences. In terms of severity, it is divided into several species.

The most common and easiest form of the disease is catarrhal gastritis. This type of disease develops literally in a few hours, usually against the background of food poisoning. With catarrhal gastritis, irritation or a shallow lesion of the gastric mucosa occurs. This form passes without treatment for several days.

The heavier form of acute gastritis is erosive. In this case, ulcers or erosions are formed on the gastric mucosa. With a mild form of erosive gastritis, the ulcers affect the uppermost layer of the mucosa, with more severe forms, rather deep erosions are formed. In severe erosive lesions, bleeding may occur. This form of the disease with bleeding is called hemorrhagic.

Phlegmonous gastritis is a rare, but extremely dangerous acute form of the disease. Phlegmonous gastritis - what is it? With this form of the disease, foci of severe purulent lesion are formed in the stomach, leading to destruction of the gastric walls. The disease is accompanied by high fever, vomiting, pain. As a rule, this form of the disease develops with reduced immunity. With reflammatory gastritis, you must immediately contact the hospital, otherwise the case may end in a lethal outcome.

Chronic gastritis is a very common form of the disease course. What is gastritis chronic? This kind of disease occurs as a result of the absence of acute treatment or as a consequence of insufficient or inadequate treatment. In the chronic form of the disease, there is a prolonged course of the disease - periods of exacerbation are followed by periods of remission. If chronic gastritis lasts for several years, irreversible changes in the stomach can occur, which affects its work.

With a prolonged course of chronic gastritis, the atrophic form of the disease can develop. What is atrophic gastritis? A prolonged inflammatory process leads to degeneration of the natural tissues of the stomach. There is a death of the glands that produce gastric juice and their replacement with a connective tissue. The mucous membrane becomes inactive and does not produce a gastric secretion and mucus. The stomach becomes vulnerable to various infections from outside. If you do not receive the necessary treatment on time, the cells of the gastric mucosa completely degenerate, which can lead to a precancerous and cancerous condition.

There are other forms of gastritis, which develop against a background of various diseases, with allergies, cell disfigurement, fungal infection, penetration of various infections. It is autoimmune, hypertrophic, granulomatous, infectious, lymphocytic, diffuse and other gastritis.

It is believed that the main cause of the occurrence of gastritis is the ingestion of Helicobacter pylori into the stomach of the microorganism. Penetrates the microbe into the body with food and water. Infection often occurs imperceptibly in childhood. There are other causes of the disease: some types of anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac), frequent use of strong alcoholic beverages, allergies, stress, immune disorders.

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