HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chronic gastritis. Clinic

Chronic gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membranes, accompanied by dystrophic processes leading to secretory and motor deficiency of the stomach. The causes (factors) leading to the development of chronic gastritis are two groups: exogenous and endogenous.

Exogenous are those that came from the external environment. These include: a violation of diet, chronic intoxication, neuropsychic stress, alcohol, smoking, long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics.

Endogenous causes are those that are directly in the body. For example, hereditary factor, the presence of chronic focal infection, metabolic and intestinal microflora, chronic circulatory failure.

As a rule, chronic gastritis is classified according to two signs: morphological and functional. Superficial, atrophic, erosive, hypertrophic, widespread, limited (antral and fundamental) are gastritis, which are conditionally combined into one group according to the morphological sign. Functional include gastritis with increased secretion and decreased, as well as with normal acidity.

Chronic gastritis with a decreased (secretion) acidity often develops in people of adulthood. Patients feel heaviness in the abdomen mainly after eating, as well as a feeling of bursting and fullness. Another feature of this form is the rapid saturation and eructation of a rotten egg. The pain that a person has is noisy. Very often, in addition to a constant sense of nausea, the patient has vomiting on an empty stomach. Decreased appetite and pain after eating lead to weight loss, diarrhea rarely occurs. Since with reduced secretion, the patient develops hypovitaminosis, there are changes in appearance: dry skin, bleeding gums, hair loss, dullness and brittle nails.

Chronic gastritis with decreased secretion, if left untreated, inevitably leads to complications, such as: stomach cancer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.

Chronic gastritis with high acidity is a disease characteristic of a young age. A person experiences paroxysmal pain not immediately ate, but in an hour or two in the epigastric region without irradiation. During the exacerbation of the patient there is a belch sour, severe heartburn, vomiting with gastric contents. As a rule, the appetite remains normal, but constipation occurs. The main feature of this form - hungry and nocturnal pains, as well as the development of astheno-neurotic syndrome (irritability, unstable mood, decreased performance, sleep disturbance). Chronic gastritis with high acidity can have a complication - it is an ulcer.

At the reception, the doctor will prescribe a treatment and tell in detail how to treat chronic gastritis. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment is either outpatient or inpatient, and the regimen remains normal. Doctors recommend giving great attention to nutrition. Food should not be cold or too hot, as it will irritate the gastric mucosa, and increase peristalsis. The most suitable for cooking is the following heat treatment: cooking, steaming or baking in the oven, and completely remove the roasting. In the early days of exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to use light soups and cereals. Fresh baked goods, fried and smoked food, fatty fish and meat, soda and fresh fruit, milk and legumes, as well as sweets are foods that must be forgotten for the period of illness.

The next step in the treatment is the appointment of drug therapy. To relieve pain and spasm, antispasmodics are used, for example, no-shpa, papaverine. The patient must take antibiotics (Trichopolum) and enveloping (Almagel, Smekta, Almagel-A). With increased secretion, enzymes are also prescribed (Mezim, Festal). To achieve maximum results, it is advisable to use phytotherapy and physiotherapy.

With proper and adequate treatment, after three weeks, the remission phase begins.

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