HealthDiseases and Conditions

What vitamins are most important for the heart and blood vessels?

Currently, heart problems are one of the most difficult, and heart muscle operations are still appreciated by all surgeons, and are considered the most dangerous and complex. That is why, in order to avoid problems with the heart, you must constantly take vitamins for the heart. In addition, vitamins for the heart and blood vessels should not only normalize the blood flow in the heart muscle, but also maintain the consistency of all parameters and characteristics of the myocardium. Basically, such vitamins contribute to the rapid strengthening of all vessels, which prevent the formation of multiple blood clots and normalize the processes of general circulation of blood in the chambers of the core.

The main vitamins for the heart and blood vessels are presented in this article on the degree of their benefits and virtues that they give to the heart muscle.

Rutin can rightly be considered the most necessary vitamin for the heart and blood vessels. It, in combination with vitamin C, allows to restore the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as reduce the permeability and fragility of cardiac capillaries. In a huge amount of this substance can be found in the fruit of dog rose, citrus fruits, as well as in berries of black currant, red and black chokeberry.

Thiamine is also on the general list, where vitamins for the heart and blood vessels play the most important role. In its natural form, this vitamin is difficult to find, but now there are a lot of different modern drugs, such as Exusan. It basically has an extract of seeds from horse chestnut and a special complex of thiamine.

It should be noted that a lack of thiamine in the blood can lead to muscle weakness, as well as temporary loss of sensation in the legs, regular burning, swelling of all extremities. But if buying a drug for you is unprofitable, then you can find it in coffee beans and other cereals. In addition, thiamine is found in meat and brewer's yeast, but in very small quantities.

Pantothenic acid determines all the processes that occur regularly in the heart. In addition, the daily requirement for vitamins is also determined by the concentration of this vitamin. It is worth noting that pantothenic acid is mainly needed for a variety of chemical processes that are involved in the permanent hematopoiesis. So, even with a small lack of pantothenic acid, a person will experience constant pain in the legs, various manifestations of muscle spasms, and the appearance of skin diseases. The main sources of this vitamin are the liver, peanut butter, grain sprouts of various cultures, brewer's yeast, egg yolk and many other products.

Ascorbic acid in its essence is needed not so much by the heart muscle as the whole human body. It not only participates in the regular development of vital substances for humans, but it is also responsible for the immunity of the body and the fight against diseases. Also, with the help of vitamin C improves the supply of blood by iron.

So, if you suddenly have bruises, and thus new wounds do not heal well, then you urgently need to think about your health and start taking ascorbic acid. Doctors say that if there is a lack of vitamin C, there is weakness in the muscles, pain in the heart and loss of appetite. A huge amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, hips, red and black currant berries, as well as in the structure of sweet pepper, sea buckthorn, melon, tomato and various greens.

This list represents almost all vitamins for the heart and blood vessels. In addition to these vitamins, other trace elements, such as copper, calcium and fatty acids, must also be taken.

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