HealthDiseases and Conditions

The syndrome of prolonged compression

SDS, or a syndrome of prolonged compression, is also called traumatic toxicosis, a release syndrome. It occurs due to severe pressure on the soft tissues of the body for several hours. Provoke its appearance can compress the limb or the entire trunk, which is much less common, for a long time. Typically, the cause is a car accident, the destruction of buildings after the earthquake and other disasters.

Even in school years, children learn step-by-step actions in the event that there was a syndrome of prolonged compression. The abstract on this topic helps to fully consider all aspects of the process of helping a person in such a difficult situation. The most important thing that every person should remember is that the victim can not be sharply released from the attacking object. This is explained very simply, because with prolonged pressure on the limb, there is a violation of blood flow, which subsequently leads to the formation of decomposition products and the spread of toxins. It is these destructive substances for the whole organism that can spread throughout the body during the restoration of blood circulation.

Specialists distinguish the following most dangerous complications, which lead to the syndrome of prolonged compression: traumatic shock, heavy bleeding with soft tissue damage, the spread of decomposition products throughout the body. In addition, the syndrome, compression is usually divided into three stages of development: early, intermediate, late.

The early stage lasts from one to three days and is characterized by a gradual increase in the edema of the damaged area of the body. The patient immediately after liberation from the onslaught feels general weakness, cold throughout the body and chills, the frequency of the heart rate increases significantly, and blood pressure drops, sometimes to a mark incompatible with life. With an external examination of the patient, you can see that the swelling limb acquires a cyanotic hue, it hardens and dents are not formed when pressing. As a rule, the affected area remains immobile, and any attempts provoke the onset of acute pain in the joint.

The intermediate stage is called the period of acute renal failure and can occur for one and a half months. At this time, the patient notes a gradual removal of puffiness, the general condition is normalized. Every day the patient becomes easier, because blood pressure comes back to normal, the heart rate becomes moderate, but still slightly elevated, and the temperature is approaching the standard values (around 37 degrees Celsius). But rejoice at the early relief, because kidney failure continues to develop.

Timely treatment of a doctor can save lives, so you can not wait for self-healing. It is worth remembering that if a large part of the body is injured, further treatment may be useless, then within a week a lethal outcome is established. But in the event that the activity of the kidneys is restored after intoxication, then talk about the onset of the next stage.

The syndrome of prolonged compression during the late period is characterized by the fact that the general condition of a person is greatly improved, but the damaged limb is very sore, and ulcers appear in the area of the necrotic skin zone. Atrophy of the muscles and the resulting ulcers create a favorable atmosphere for the development of purulent infection. For a full-fledged treatment, surgery will be required to remove the dead skin.

The period of treatment and recovery of the patient largely depends on the quality of first aid. It should be remembered that in no case can you simply remove the limb from under the wreckage or release the body from the object of pressure. It is necessary to apply a tourniquet in the area just above the damage and only then can the damaged limb be removed. This is done in order to prevent intoxication of the whole organism. Then it can be removed except when there is heavy bleeding. The syndrome of prolonged compression will not lead to significant injuries if everything is done correctly and in time to provide the necessary assistance.

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