
How to sow, how to dive petunias and how to achieve long and steady flowering

Petunia grows and blossoms everywhere on our window sills, in gardens and on private plots. It is attractive for its large colorful flowers, easy to care, beautiful combination with other plants and the possibility of long-term growth in one place. For indoor breeding, it is tempting also because petunias in pots occupy a relatively small place, do not grow very much and leave room for "neighbors."

How to start breeding

In order for the plant to grow and especially to start blossoming, it must first be planted. Petunia - in the open ground it will be grown or in a pot - is sown with seeds. It is advisable to prepare soil for it in autumn, which will include humus, earth and sand in proportions of 1: 1: 2. The day before planting, the soil mixture should be watered abundantly so that it deeply penetrates the soil. The seeds of the flower are microscopic, so you will have to use a thin stick or tweezers. If petunia is supposed to be kept at home, the source material is taken much more - the plant likes good lighting, which is not enough in the apartment, so many seeds will not rise. After planting, the surface of the land is sprinkled with warm water, and the boxes are covered with glass or dense polyethylene.

Alternative method

Gardeners very much praise the "snowy" way of planting. It consists that in a court yard gather pure snow (not marked by dogs, far from roads, it is desirable freshly fallen out) and spread it in pots-boxes on top of the earth. Seeds are put on it. The tanks are again covered with glass. Advantages: the seed is clearly visible - it is possible to regulate the seeding density; Snow smoothly "sucks" the seeds into the soil; Watering the soil with this planting is not necessary.

But whatever method you use, you should sow petunias in February-March and keep the temperature at least 23 degrees Celsius. Watering should be regular, but not excessive. When the leaves are pierced, the cover must be removed and the seedlings sprayed with a pale solution of potassium permanganate.

Why do I need a pick?

Many beginning flower growers often have a question: "Why, when and how to dive petunias?" Let's start with its first part. No matter how careful you are in planting, no matter how carefully you follow your crops, they are most often obtained either thickened or too sparse. Too thick shoots must be planted unequivocally, otherwise the plants will turn out to be stunted and may not blossom. And those between which the distance is sufficient, feel better in separate containers, form powerful roots and strengthen their trunk. The answer to the second question - the timing - different gardeners give different. Some are inclined to the fact that the dive must be carried out after the appearance of the 5th-6th leaf. Others call earlier dates - 2-3 leaves.

Before diving petunias, they need to be well shed. Transplanting sprouts is cheaper and more convenient in disposable cups filled with the appropriate soil, with holes in the bottom. But if financial circumstances permit, buy special peat, as diving petunias and transplant them to a permanent place in such containers where more handy. When using a simpler container, a shallow hole is made in the poured earth and water is irrigated. With a blade or knife, one plant is carefully removed and moved to a cup. Above the roots are sprinkled with soil.

Early and repeated dive

There are times when you can not wait for the appearance of the required number of leaves. Most often you have to worry about how to dive petunias ahead of time, if planting is infected with a "black leg", and it is rapidly spreading. We have to try to save at least some part of the crops. The second reason to worry about an early dive is too thick shoots. If you do not settle the petunias in separate jars, some of them will die, and the rest will not enter into full force.

Since the period from landing to transplantation to a permanent place is quite long, then somewhere in a month after the first transplant, it is necessary to repeat, in more spacious containers, so that the roots grow larger.

Useful subtleties

There are not all known tricks that will help the seedlings to grow stronger quickly. So, in the ground for diving, it is advised to add the husk from the buckwheat. It makes the soil less dense and more accessible for air. The second nuance: for transplanted petunias, a lower temperature is needed than for seedling - enough and 18 degrees. Third, what you should pay attention to: water better in the pallet (so you can avoid over-polishing). Fourth: the day for the tenth raspikirovannye plants must be supplemented with mineral fertilizers. Previously, this should not be done. And the last: if the roots of the seedlings are too long, they need to be pruned, otherwise they will dent in the transplant, break and may start to rot.

Transplant rules

It remains only to transfer the plants to a place where they will live permanently. Transplant them into the garden can be as soon as the frost runs out. Choose a place well lit, mark the holes in 15-20 cm (if a variety with small flowers) or 20-25 (if the blossom is large).

Before transplanting, petunias should be well watered - so there will be less risk of damaging the roots when they are pulled out. Works are held either in the evening, when the sun sets, or when it's cloudy. The plant is carefully removed from the temporary container by a small neoprene scapula and, together with the remaining soil on the roots, is transferred to the well. Free space is filled with soil and slightly compacted. The space around the flower is mulched by peat.

How to ensure a lush and long flowering

If you want the bush to please you as long as possible, do not stop taking care of it.

Care of the plant, first of all, is to remove the growing and unnecessary shoots. No less important is the pinch of petunia: the first is worthwhile, as soon as it takes root in a new place. To determine the right moment is simple: you will notice the rapid growth of the flower. The process is simple, but it must be done correctly, that is, skip the lower 4 or 5 leaves and pinch the shoot already above them. Petunia will cease to grow up, at the same time it will start to bush, and it will have enough forces to blossom.

If you observe all these simple rules and be attentive to your planting, the petunia (photo) flower will long decorate your garden or window sill.

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