
What should I do if my eye twitches? Good advice and useful exercises

Contrary to the notion that the eye is twitching to money, a sane modern man familiar with this problem is in no hurry to rejoice. Teak eyes are a rather painful condition, complicating life. As a rule, the first question in these cases is: "What to do if the eye twitches, and how serious is it?"

Tick of the eye refers to a kind of hyperkinesis - muscle contraction by an incorrect command of the brain. Finding out why the brain sends these commands, and gives an answer to the question of what jerks the eye.

The most common cause of eye twitching is fatigue, physical and psychological. A person completely subordinated to an intensive working schedule does not control the state of his body. The same happens to those who experience stress or emotional distress. Meanwhile, the brain can not cope with the abundance of incoming signals, which is manifested later in the form of a nervous tic.

Doctors advise in this case to give the body what it needs most - rest. It can be a long dream, a weekend or a vacation. It is not ruled out that you will need to take sedatives and refuse stimulant drinks, for example, from coffee. Excellent effect is provided by swimming, changing of the situation and exercises for deep breathing.

An amazing feature to relieve nervous tension is an exercise called "general's greatcoat". To do this, you need to sit on a chair with a hard seat and imagine that the heavy overcoat of a general has been thrown over his shoulders. Incredibly, at the same time the shoulders, the back are straightened, the neck is stretched, and most importantly - there are the confidence and calmness that are characteristic of real generals.

Sometimes, to find the answer to the question of what to do, if the eye twitches, it is enough to reduce the time spent on computers or modern gadgets. It is useful to take breaks, as well as special gymnastics for the eyes. It does not take much time, but it removes fatigue and irritation. Most ophthalmologists recommend the following exercise: close your eyes tightly, inhale deeply, slowly exhale and open your eyes. Repeat several times. By the way, this exercise is a quick way to stop the tick of the eye.

Improper nutrition, inflammatory processes, taking certain medications, and lack of sunlight lead to a deficiency in the body of magnesium and B vitamins responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system. What if the eye is twitching from lack of vitamins and minerals? Diversify food. Include in the diet greens, nuts, rye bread, legumes, cereals. A quicker effect is provided by a combination of foods rich in vitamins and minerals, with vitamin preparations.

All of the above is the most frequent and least serious reason why the eye twitches. Causes of a different nature are more dangerous and exclude self-treatment. Teeth of the eye can be a consequence of birth trauma, meningitis, as well as brain injuries suffered a few years ago. An impassable eye tic can be a symptom of serious diseases: stroke, brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, increased intracranial pressure. In addition, there is a genetic predisposition to tick.

If rest and calming of nerves do not give the proper effect, there is no need to hope for the spontaneous disappearance of the problem. In this case, the question of what to do if the eye twitches, only one answer is to go to the doctor.

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