
Complex myopic astigmatism of both eyes in children: treatment

For most people, vision is the main thing from the senses. Thanks to him, we perceive almost 90% of information from the environment. Therefore, it is very important to save eyesight from an early age. Unfortunately, some pathologies occur already in childhood. To maintain the ability to see as long as possible, you need to turn in time to the ophthalmologist in order to correct vision. One of the pathologies diagnosed at an early age is complex myopic astigmatism. This condition is not a disease, it is rather a defect in the shape of the eyes. Nevertheless, with it, the optical parameters necessary for normal vision are violated.

What is astigmatism?

As you know, the ability to clearly see the image is achieved with the help of an optical system represented by our eyes. The organ of vision has 5 refractive media, after which the picture gets on the retina. In order for the image not to be distorted, the size and shape of the eye should be ideal. Unfortunately, this is not observed in all people. In some cases, the image of objects is focused behind the retina or in front of it. As a result, there is myopia or hyperopia. Astigmatism is formed when the eye of a person is not able to assemble the image into a single focus. This is due to the fact that the shape of some of the refractive media of the optical system is a non-ideal sphere. Most often it is the lens or the cornea of the eye. Complex myopic astigmatism occurs when the image is focused in front of the retina. As a result, objects appear to be fuzzy, blurred.

The causes of astigmatism

In most cases, myopic astigmatism is a congenital defect, since it is laid in the intrauterine period. The most common cause is heredity. In most cases, if one of the parents has astigmatism, then it is transmitted to the child. Rarely the wrong shape of the lens or cornea is found only in the baby. In addition to parents, a defect can be transferred from a grandparent. Sometimes complex myopic astigmatism is formed as a result of intrauterine infections or injuries and does not depend on burdened heredity. In some cases, a defect in the optic system of the eye appears in adults. The following causes of acquired astigmatism are distinguished:

  1. Subluxation of the lens. Occurs during injuries.
  2. Scars on the cornea. They may appear for various reasons (more often they are traumas and chronic dystrophic diseases).
  3. Changes in the shape of the upper jaw. Occur with prolonged absence of upper teeth, incorrect bite.
  4. Operative interventions affecting the organ of vision.
  5. Inflammatory processes occurring in the cornea.

Most often, children have a complicated myopic astigmatism of both eyes. The visual acuity in this case can be different. If a defect is acquired during a lifetime, it is usually found on one eye.

Degrees of myopic astigmatism

Like all refractive disorders, astigmatism has 3 degrees of severity. Depending on the age and the load on the organ of vision, they can change during life. For example, infants have physiological astigmatism, which is adjusted to 2-3 years on their own. In some cases, it develops rapidly and requires treatment already in early childhood. Complex myopic astigmatism of a weak degree implies a change in visual acuity to 3 diopters. In childhood, it is amenable to correction. The average degree implies a reduction in visual acuity of 3 to 6 diopters. In addition to correction, you must wear special glasses. A severe degree of astigmatism begins when the sharpness decreases from 6 diopters and more. This can lead to various violations. Often at a severe degree, strabismus develops, binocular and stereoscopic vision worsens .

The clinical picture with astigmatism

Symptoms of astigmatism depend on the degree of severity. With mild manifestations, clinical manifestations may be absent. The change in visual acuity at 1.5-2 diopters becomes noticeable. Usually complaints arise at an early age (3 to 5 years). Children see bad things, letters. To better understand the image, patients with astigmatism squint, pull the eyelid or turn the head. Another symptom is fast eye fatigue. Especially it is noticeable after being at the computer, reading. Older children and adults complain about the blurred vision. The following symptoms stand out: the doubling of objects, blurriness, the inability to determine the approximate distance to the image. Also, after the load of patients, painful sensations, a feeling of "sand in the eyes" can be disturbing.

Complex myopic astigmatism in children: diagnosis

It is impossible to diagnose "astigmatism" without special instrumental examination. Despite the characteristic complaints, you can not select glasses yourself. To diagnose the degree and type of astigmatism, it is necessary to examine the ophthalmologist. First of all, visual acuity is assessed (the ability to see letters or pictures from a certain distance). Then the visometry is made. This method consists in checking the refraction with the help of selection of different in terms of refractive power of lenses. Each eye is examined separately (the second is closed). Also it is necessary to spend a ski-pan. It consists in moving the shadow with the help of rocking movements. In some cases (more often in children) refractometry is carried out. To do this, pre-instill eyes to achieve a dilated pupil (mydriasis). After - measure the refraction. In specialized clinics perform such methods as computer keratotopography and ophthalmometry. With their help determine the size of the lens and cornea.

What should I do to keep my eyesight with astigmatism?

Complex myopic astigmatism requires constant correction. First of all you need to know about the limitations of the visual load. People with astigmatism can not spend much time in front of a television and a computer, reading in a dark room. It is also necessary to choose work with minimal eye strain (it is not recommended to repair small parts). With a severe degree of astigmatism, you can not drive a car and serve in the army. After visual work it is necessary to perform special gymnastics for the eyes.

Complex myopic astigmatism: treatment of a defect

There are various methods for correcting this defect. The most preferred and common is the wearing of contact lenses. They correct the shape of the cornea and help correct the complex myopic astigmatism of both eyes. Treatment with glasses is more complicated, because it is necessary to combine cylindrical and spherical lenses. Laser correction of astigmatism is also performed. It consists in changing the depth (grinding) of the cornea.

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