
What kind of doctor should I consult with hemorrhoids and how can he help?

In fact, it is not so difficult to detect such a disease as hemorrhoids. The fact is that this is often enough finger research of the rectum. If the pathological process has an external localization, then this will not be necessary. As a result, the question of which doctor to deal with hemorrhoids, specifically answer is not so simple. Here much depends on what the person wants to receive from his visit to a specialist.

Reception at the therapist

This doctor, like everyone else, has the technique of performing a rectal finger examination. So he can detect such hemorrhoids no worse than the surgeon. In this case, most often after the establishment of a preliminary diagnosis, the therapist still directs the person to the surgeon, so that he confirms his assumptions. Doctors of therapeutic specialties do not independently treat this illness. Naturally, before releasing the patient, they will tell you about which doctor to use for hemorrhoids, revealed by the therapist. The patient will need to contact the registry, where he will be assigned the time of admission from the required specialist.

It is worth noting that, before reporting on which doctor to use for hemorrhoids, the patient will be asked to undergo several clinical and laboratory studies, the most important of which is the analysis of stool for concealed blood.

Reception at the surgeon

Most often a person, determined with what doctor to go with hemorrhoids, gives preference to this specialist. The fact is that a doctor of this specialization has the opportunity not only to establish an appropriate diagnosis, but also to prescribe an individual course of treatment for this disease and recommend activities that will slow its development. In addition, the surgeon will determine the severity of the pathological process at the time of treatment. This is necessary in order to determine whether a person needs surgical treatment. In the event that the patient's hemorrhoids have not yet developed sufficiently strongly, the surgeon appoints a diet to the person with a mandatory addition of cabbage to the diet, because it is able to soften the stool masses. In addition, the patient must take drugs that strengthen the vessel wall, and should also use rectal suppositories that include a large number of natural oils.

Reception at the proctologist

As for people with a fairly high severity of the disease, the only rational answer for them about who to contact for hemorrhoids is a proctologist. It is this specialist that performs surgical treatment of such pathology. The operation for external and internal hemorrhoids is somewhat different. The fact is that in the second case you have to use general anesthesia, because you need to significantly expand the rectum, in order to be able to get to the instruments to the pathologically altered hemorrhoidal node. Usually, a week after the operation, the patient has the opportunity to return to his workplace, unless, of course, his work is not related to lifting heavy loads or other heavy physical exertion.

So, before deciding which doctor should be treated with hemorrhoids, the patient should decide what he wants to get from visiting a particular specialist.

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