Education, History
The character and biography of Nadezhda Allilueva, beloved wife of Stalin
After the violent quarrel between Stalin and his wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina, the wife of V.M. Molotov, undertook to conduct an extremely upset Nadezhda. They walked for a long time and talked until they reached the Kremlin apartment. The quarrel was not the first, the character of both spouses was by no means sugar, and all the members of the Soviet government were accustomed to these skirmishes.
It seemed that this time it would all work out, but it turned out differently. The next morning after the banquet, dedicated to the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution, in Stalin's apartment, in addition to the owner, there were Voroshilov, Molotov and a doctor. The secretary general's wife was dead, she was lying, grasping the gift of her brother in her hand , a small pistol from which it was possible to shoot herself. Thus ended the biography of Nadezhda Alliluyeva, the second Stalin's wife and youngest daughter in the family of the old Bolsheviks.
She was very hard-tempered. People who knew Nadezhda closely, even shared their opinions about who he is stronger and more determined - from a husband or wife. Parents of Hope, the party members Olga Evgenievna and Sergei Yakovlevich, even were against this marriage, knowing the features of the uncompromising nature of their daughter. The twenty-two-year-old age difference did not bother them, but they strongly doubted that she could become a good wife for such a prominent figure in the party as Stalin.
The biography of Nadezhda Alliluyeva showed that they were mistaken, she tried very hard to surround her husband with care, but the truth was that she did not make any fundamental concessions.
Undoubtedly, this couple was connected by true love. The feeling of the young girl arose immediately, as soon as she saw Joseph arriving from exile in 1917. She was only 16, but she had no doubts, so he is her chosen one. They were married a year later.
The lack of traditional family education, which suffered the son of a drinking cobbler, could not but affect relations between spouses. Stalin was rude, but his wife forgave him. After the birth of his son Vasily in 1921, the husband insisted on house-building in the house, in his opinion, the woman should be limited to farming and raising a child. But not the one, as they say, attacked.
The work biography of Nadezhda Alliluyeva began in the secretariat of Lenin, where she worked after graduating from the typists. It seemed that the secretary, who was in charge of personnel matters, should be profitable, because the information about what was happening in the Kremlin could come to him directly from his wife. But she persistently did not want to share her.
During one of the "purges", Nadezhda Alliluyeva turned out to be among the expelled from the ranks of the party. Her biography might be different, if not for the intercession of Lenin himself.
Then there was study. Only the rector of the Academy knew that the student was persistently "gnawing the granite of science" in the educational institution that he directed. She began to understand from the conversations with people living in the usual situation for Soviet people how terrible the consequences of her husband's policy towards the peasantry and the whole people are. They argued a lot, and his wife called Stalin "you", referring to him by name and patronymic, that he was simply enraged.
Despite the huge worldview contradictions, the biography of Nadezhda Alliluyeva was replenished with a new happy fact for every woman, she again prepared for motherhood. Daughter Svetlana was born in 1926.
The wife's health was weak. She suffered constant headaches, which she had to be treated abroad. The ailment progressed, and the temper tantrum was explained by this illness.
Looking at the photo of Nadezhda Alliluyeva, it's hard not to succumb to the charm of the kindness of the face and the softness of his lines. Appearance is deceptive, this woman did not pass before the most powerful tyrant on the planet, boldly saying to his face what other "seemingly unbending Bolsheviks" were afraid to say. Stalin, being an outstanding man, would not have tolerated mediocrity next to him, but his strong-willed wife also constantly irritated him. To her suicide he treated as a personal betrayal. The fact that he loved his wife, too, no doubt.
In the difficult years of the war, he visited her grave. At night, so that, apart from the security chief, no one knew ...
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