Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook dough for vareniki on kefir: several recipes

Vareniki are a visiting card of Ukrainian national cuisine. They share the first place in popularity and popularity with borsch. And do you know that the culinary capital of Ukraine is the glorious city of Poltava? After all, it is there that they prepare the most delicious borsch and the most amazing vareniki in the whole country. Well, about Poltava beetroot with pampushkas, we'll talk some other time ... But vareniki ... Huge, the size of a man's fist everyone, tender, just melting in his mouth ... No matter what the inside is, the secret of popularity is not in it. The fact is that the dough for these products is prepared on kefir. The sour milk product gives it elasticity and tenderness. Here you will read about how to prepare dough for vareniki with the addition of kefir.

Fast dough with a minimum of products

In fact, in every city of Ukraine, yes there is nothing to say - every housewife has her own recipe for these products. Someone makes a dough on yogurt, someone - on curdled milk, sour milk, whey. In a word, a sour-milk product as an ingredient simply has to be. Let's start with the simplest recipe that does not take long. To make a dough on kefir quickly, take two glasses of flour, egg and salt. Well, instead of water, as in the usual recipe, we will add 250 ml of fermented milk product. By the way, Ukrainian housewives do not like so-called fat-free kefir. The more natural the product is, the more tender and more elastic the dough will be. Salt pre-dissolve in kefir and add the rest of the ingredients. Knead the elastic dough and leave for 15 minutes or half an hour to come. And then we proceed to modeling.

Lush Vareniki

If you visit the fair in Sorochintsy (Poltava region), then make sure that there is the most valued. These are the so-called "fluffy" vareniki. The secret of their splendor is very simple. In dough on vareniki on kefir baking soda is mixed . Pour into a deep bowl five and a half glasses of flour. We put there half a spoonful of soda and a little less salt. Mix the loose mass. In a mug we beat an egg with a soup spoon of sugar. Persistent peaks we do not need, just chat with a whisk or even a fork for three minutes to make a foam on the surface. From flour, we form a "volcano," that is, a hill with a crater at the top. In this funnel, pour in the sweetened egg and half a liter of kefir. There is another important nuance. Kefir must be indispensable at room temperature, so that the dough does not become unnecessarily tight. Stir and roll the dough until it stops sticking to the fingers. Then cover it with a towel and leave to go for half an hour.

How to prepare them correctly

It is not enough to know how to make dough for vareniki on kefir. You must know how to prepare and serve them. You can throw the products in slightly salted boiling water, stir a little wooden spatula and hold there for 5-6 minutes on low heat. But the classic Poltava vareniki is steamed. In a large saucepan with boiling water, place the sieve so that it does not touch the liquid. Dumplings are spread on the bottom and covered with a lid. After three minutes, the products are gently turned over to the other side. Dumplings with sweet stuffing are quickly laid out in a ceramic bowl with butter, chopped slices, and sour cream. Close the lid and vigorously shake the container. It is necessary that the fatty gravy bead each varenik, otherwise the products will stick together. Quite differently serve this dish if the filling is unsweetened. As soon as you put the boiling water to prepare the flour products for a couple, set the fire and the pan. A piece of bacon (good, Ukrainian) cut into small cubes and burn on cracklings. In the resulting fat fry the onion. In the meantime, the dumplings with dough on kefir will reach the required condition. We pull them out of the sieve and throw them into a frying pan, stirring with a wooden spatula.

Dough for vareniki on kefir with the addition of powder for biscuits

There are other regional recipes. Sometimes the ingredients are the same, but the dough mixing technology is different. This recipe is well suited for dumplings with unsweetened curd or potato stuffing. First pour into a deep bowl of kefir at room temperature (half a liter) and add to it half of the standard packet of cookie powder. Leave for 5-10 minutes, so that the baking powder and lactic acid bacteria form a ferment. Well, then add the egg, a spoonful of salt and begin to mix the flour (about 600-700 g).

Dough for vareniki on yogurt with soda

In this recipe, the features are as follows. First, a mixture of 400 ml of fatty yogurt, eggs and a pinch of salt is made. We collect half a spoonful of baking soda and drip onto it about the same amount of vinegar (any). When the chemical reaction, expressed in the hiss and bubbling, ceases, we pour the soda into the kefir. We sift the flour with a slide, make a funnel and pour in the kefir mixture. Knead the dough for 3-4 minutes. If necessary, pour in the flour. To dough did not turn out to be too tight, we throw with strength the colobus on the table top (fifty times). This simple technique releases gluten. Therefore, the dough leaves very elastic and does not tear, even if rolled into a very thin layer.

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