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What is the difference between a cola and Pepsi? Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: composition, reviews, prices

Today, every person in the world, regardless of his nationality, race and social status, will hesitate to say what a "Coca-Cola" drink is. And for a Westerner, these 8 letters with a red background are considered sacred at all.

How it all began

The story began in American Atlanta in May 1886. To somehow survive the defeat of the Civil War, the people began to actively use drugs. Then it was not pills, but various tinctures, the basis of which served as alcohol. Since people at that hard time for them adhered to a healthy lifestyle, pharmacists decided to create a new medicinal drink, in which it was possible to replace alcohol with another substance, so as not to lose customers. The ingredient that became his substitute was called cocaine.

Society of teetotalers makes a pharmacist named Steve Pemberton change the composition of the drink "French wine coke". He spent a long time looking for an ingredient that could replace alcohol, but with the same tonicity. And, fortunately, it finds it in the nut composition of the cola plant. Combining the drink "Coca" and cola extract, the pharmacist gets a powerful tool for toning the body, but with a disgusting taste. It will take him a long time to muffle it and make it sweet. The drink was a thick liquid that was sold in beer bottles. People bought this tonic (although the creator himself advertised it as a medicinal drink that can cure any nervous disorders) for use during a hangover and diluted with tap water to make it easier to drink.

How did the carbonated "Cola"

Once a sufferer from a hangover, the buyer went to the pharmacy to buy a non-carbonated drink "Coca-Cola." The price of a miracle remedy, which instantly removed the unpleasant sensations after drunkenness, was 25 cents. Having bought a tonic, he asked the pharmacist to dilute it with water. Since the seller was too lazy to go to the other end of the hall, where there was a tap, he suggests diluting his syrup syrup. The visitor at that moment was absolutely not important, than will dilute his drink, and he agreed. After trying an effervescent drink, the buyer exclaimed that it is much tastier than with water. The news of this spread throughout the district in a matter of days, and everyone wanted to feel the taste of the new Coca-Cola. From that moment a new time began - the era of carbonated "Cola".

The appearance of the famous logo

Frank Robinson - a man who gave the world a famous logo, which 130 years later uses the trademark Coca-Cola. Thanks to his entrepreneurial talent during the "dry law" in Atlanta, the sale of drinks from 25 gallons per year increased to 1049. This is the only person who believed in the potential of the firm and the product and remained in the company until the end of his days, while the creator himself Drinking, desperate, sold 2/3 of the company to the pharmacist, who diluted the "cola" soda.

The basis for creating the first logo was the Spencerian font. From 1850 to 1925 he was actively used in printing business magazines and newspapers. Robinson himself, having created this advertising label, said the prophetic phrase: "The 2 C letters will look great in advertising." But he did not lose. For all the years of competitive war, the Coca-Cola brand has carefully watched how their red and blue rival is rushing about and creating new logos. The company itself pierced only in 1980, presenting the world with a new style of writing 8 well-known letters. Since they did not get accustomed, and people did not appreciate the bizarre writing, the brand returned to the old font.

In 1958, a red background appeared at the Coca-Cola logo.

1969 added only a white wave under the letters. And only after many years, namely in 2003, a single wave is added to the yellow and another light one. Also there are cheerful bubbles.

The genius of the new logo, created in 2007, made many laugh. The white wave becomes lonely again.

2011 was a jubilee - the company turned 125 years old. Is this not a reason for creating a new logo? On a white background, there is a bottle of a drink and an inscription in English "125 years".

The legendary glass bottle celebrates its 100th anniversary - and a new logo is created as a gift.

Today the main logo of the brand has lost its background and is a rounded red letters.

The very first composition of the drink and the death of its creator

Even when the sale of the drink increased 40 times, the income was not enough to make the company independent. And thanks to the decision to resell most of the company, the inventory list, which Pemberton himself wrote, opened the secret of the recipe for the Coca-Cola tonic to the world. The composition of the drink included: lemon, nutmeg and lime oils, nutmeg extract, vanillin, orange elixir, caffeine, oil obtained from orange blossoms and, of course, coca plant extract .

August 16, 1888, Pemberton, being a poor man, leaves this world. And only after 70 years on his grave appeared a stone tombstone.

Long-awaited popularity

Beggarly Irishman Aza Kendler, who came to Atlanta for work and had only $ 1.75 left, believed that the new land would certainly bring happiness. After a while he earns good money and decides to buy from Mrs. Pemberton a famous drink recipe. The purchase cost him very much money. He had to buy it for 2300 dollars.

With their brother and two other people, they are building the The Coca-Cola Company that exists to date. The trademark of the company, which existed since 1886, Aza registered only on January 31, 1893 in the United States of America.

The first year of the officially registered company brought only a loss. For 365 days, revenue was $ 50, when the contribution was 70.

But Aza believed in his company, and indeed, by 1902, it had become popular and brought in $ 120,000 per year.

If the creator of the drink is Pemberton, then the father of the company is Kendler, who since the creation of the drink, namely from 1886 to 1912, turned Coca-Cola into the most popular drink of the West.

Interesting Facts

Fact No. 1. The first billboard of the advertising campaign, created by Frank Robinson in 1904, hangs in the state of Georgia - in the city of Cartersville.

Fact No. 2. May 2013 will be remembered by the people of Singapore for a long time. Regular passers-by received free drinks from Coca-Cola. The bank of the distributed "Coke" consisted of 2 parts, thereby encouraging people to share with others happiness.

Fact No. 3. Coca-Cola is the most popular drink. Every second 8000 glasses are drunk.

Fact # 4. Put into a plate of "Cola" steak completely dissolved after 2 days.

Fact No. 5. If you pour all the beverage "Coca-Cola" produced by the company into the pool, 512 million people can swim in it at the same time.

Fact No. 6. If a drink created over the entire lifetime of existence is bottled in the same bottles and placed in a line, then such a chain of popular soft drink will wrap our planet 4334 times.

Fact No. 7. This is the first firm that placed its advertising on Pushkin Square in 1989 in Moscow.

Fact No. 8. The firm is the longest sponsor of the Olympic Games. They began cooperation in 1928.

Coca-Cola carbonated drink

Reviews about the taste of this drink are everywhere positive, but the harmful nature of the product was awarded to a separate discussion in many forums. Of course, it is worth to agree with the fact that this is far from a useful commodity, but what explains such a huge stream of reviews about harm and at the same time its mega popularity in the Russian and foreign markets? It turns out, people are screaming that this is bad, but they do not refuse to buy. Business in advertising and ability to interest buyers. Many wrote reviews that buy "Cola" only during the action, because everyone wants to receive a gift. And we can say with confidence that this brand is able to competently promote its goods. Suffice it to recall what a stir caused the action during the Olympic Games in Sochi. People swept away from the shelves of stores carbonated drinks from Coca-Cola, seeking to receive an Olympic bear, a T-shirt or glasses. And now remember what is associated with your New Year?

Of course, with the red "trucks of happiness", which annually shows us advertising "Coca-Cola." Therefore, no matter what the negative feedback on the forums and people shouting about the harm of this drink, people will always buy it!

The eternal competitor

June 16, 1903 was registered firm PepsiCo, which later turned out to be a long-term competitor of the Coca-Cola brand.

The First World War, or rather its consequences, played in 1921 with the company a cruel joke. Products every day brought less revenue. As a result, the company went bankrupt and in 1928 begins to belong to the state. But after a while it is bought up by Charlie Guth.

During the great depression of the 1930s, an attack on the Coca-Cola brand began. The price of the 6-ounce bottle was 5 cents, the marketing move of PepsiCo was that they started selling 12-oz tare at the same price. The success of such a move was known in advance. The Coca-Cola Company had in its stock only 1 billion 6-ounce bottles, which is very small, and the machines that sold these drinks only accepted coins worth 5 cents. And Coca-Cola could not set a different price. Hence, the popularity of the competitor has increased. It was a victory over the rival, as at that time PepsiCo was able to sell more than 5 billion bottles of Pepsi.

But most of all impressed with the promotional campaign of the 1970s called "The best collection, chosen blindly." Each participant tried "Cola" and "Pepsi", and then chose a favorite drink. With a score of 3: 2, the PepsiCo brand won. After that, popularity increased even more.

Even advertising "Coca-Cola" could not collect in their television commercials of so many actors, athletes and singers, as did the firm PepsiCo. In the videos filmed such celebrities as Lionel Messi, Pink, Aishwarya Rai, Fergie, Beyonce and many others. Popularity "Pepsi" in due time contributed to Khrushchev. A photograph of his working visit to the United States of America has spread throughout the world, where he drinks this fizzy drink. The best advertising in the USSR was not, and after that many people ran to look for this advertised product on the shelves.

But most of all filmed in commercials by singers and musicians. One of them was the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Fizzy War

Drink "Pepsi-Cola" appeared in 1890 after the "Coca-Cola." And after so many years, the rivalry between these brands does not end, but, on the contrary, it is gaining more and more turns. The peak of popularity of "Pepsi" fell on the 30-40-ies, when the company created advertising, focusing on African-Americans.

Years later, the company suffered bankruptcy, and the creator of the drink "Pepsi-Cola" Caleb Bredema in court was forced to tell a recipe, which for so many years kept in the strictest secrecy.

If the composition of "Coca-Cola" is still unchanged, then "Pepsi-Cola" changes it quite often. Not every fan of carbonated drinks will say what "Cola" differs from "Pepsi". The sugar content in both products is 11%, but why is Pepsi winning in numerous checks? The fact is that in Pepsi-Kol there are no fats and proteins. But this does not mean that it is more useful than "Cola". And before buying any of these fizzy drinks, remember that such an amount of sugar (11%) becomes a good start for the development of diabetes and fullness, and also gradually destroys the tooth enamel.

If we look for the answer to the question of how "Kola" differs from "Pepsi" in the political arena, then we can say this: the first support the Republicans, and the second - the Democrats. And only in politics, "Pepsi" was able to win, as the company supported B.Obama. But the greatest popularity so far belongs to the firm Coca-Cola. It is worth noting that both companies actively sponsor the education and annually grant students of colleges about 3000 grants.

What is the difference

The ordinary consumer will never understand what "Cola" differs from "Pepsi". Today they have the same smell and taste. Experts are sure that if you put a glass of both drinks before you, then, having tried them, you will not feel the difference. And if they have labels on them, then you will choose "Cola". The buyer chooses a product through the influence of advertising, and the label of this firm has a very strong effect on our brain.

During the long war of these two popular brands to the question: "What is" Cola "is different from" Pepsi "?" - and could not find a specific answer. The struggle for superiority affected only the difference between marketing moves and advertising, but the composition of beverages remained the same secret and unchanged. And the new ways created to promote the firms Pepsi and Coca-Cola, were the basis of many textbooks on advertising and marketing.

However sharply and negatively the public reacted to the excessive consumption of delicious but harmful fizzy drinks of these two brands, which have been hating each other for more than half a century, people of the whole world will annually consume them in large quantities.

Could the dying man many years ago have been in poverty Mr. Pemberton imagine that, some time later, a drug created for medicinal purposes will become popular, and that the United States of America, where he registered his brand, will lead the list of countries that most drink the drink that creates The famous Coca-Cola company?

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