Food and drinkBeverages

Fat-burning cocktail: how tasty to say good-bye with extra pounds

Today, more and more people are concerned about the problem of excess weight. Of course, fashion dictates its own beauty parameters, and harmony here comes first. Girls and young people wear themselves out with diets, spend a day in gyms and buy expensive drugs, but the result is not there. What else can you try to win the battle for harmony? A great solution is a fat-burning cocktail! Especially now, when on the shelves of stores appear fresh summer fruits and vegetables. In the heat, you do not really want to eat, but you have to drink more often than usual. Therefore, instead of buying another soda, make yourself a useful drink at home, and I will help you to prepare recipes for cocktails.

  1. Green drink of health. This fat-burning cocktail is rightly recognized as the most effective (although not the most delicious). For its preparation, take one cucumber, one apple, a half of lime and four stalks of celery. Celery, cucumber and apple wash, cut into small pieces and whisk in a blender. The resulting gruel put on gauze and squeeze into a mug. It takes a long time to squeeze out all the juice. Before this, put half the lime in boiling water to make it more juicy. After half an hour, squeeze his juice into a cocktail, mix everything thoroughly and shake it. The cocktail is ready! To drink it you need one glass before each meal. He will charge you with energy, make up for the missing minerals and vitamins, purify the intestines and remove all the slag, and with that excess kilograms will quickly go away.
  2. Kefir care for the body. This is the second most popular fat-burning cocktail, which is enjoyed with pleasure by everyone who wants to lose weight. Cooking it even easier than the previous one. To one glass of kefir, add one teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of red pepper and one teaspoon of ginger powder. All thoroughly mix, you can not even shake. Drink the same way, one glass a half an hour before meals and at bedtime. Kefir envelopes the walls of the stomach and normalizes digestion. Cinnamon cleanses our blood and helps to break down fats. And ginger and red pepper accelerate metabolism, and the process of losing weight goes even faster.
  3. Vitamin bomb. This is the most delicious fat-burning cocktail, and also no less useful than the rest. For its preparation, take one orange, one banana, one apple, a few slices of pineapple and one kiwi. All fruits wash, brush, cut into small pieces and whisk in a blender. You can just eat the resulting tropical mashed potatoes, and you can shift it into gauze and squeeze the juice. This fresh must be drunk immediately after preparation, because then it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Use this cocktail you need not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also the overall strengthening of the body, because it contains all the necessary vitamins for a person.
  4. Almost a mead. Everyone knows about the useful properties of honey, but not everyone knows how to apply it, for example, with the purpose of losing weight. Nevertheless, from honey it is possible to prepare an excellent cocktail which will help you to say goodbye with superfluous kgs. To do this, take two tablespoons of liquid honey, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of cinnamon and mix it all in a glass of warm mineral water. Take a glass 15 minutes before eating.

Try each of these recipes, choose which one you like best, and lose weight without harm to health, and preparing cocktails at home will not take you much time and money.

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