HealthWomen Health

What is the cause of painful periods

Almost every woman during menstruation feels a certain ailment, weakness and pain. Also this time is fraught with mood swings due to the work of hormones. It is good that today not only husbands and relatives have reconciled with this fact, but also the authorities at work, somewhat inferior to women in such difficult days.

Is it a disease?

Monthly pains in the lower abdomen, nausea, sometimes vomiting - all these are symptoms of a gynecological disease, which in medicine is called algodismenorea. By the way, it is widespread enough not only among our women, but throughout the world. The disease itself is divided into two parts - primary and secondary. The first to suffer are girls of young age who have not previously given birth. A disease occurs without any lesions of the reproductive system. The second is characteristic of women who have undergone various gynecological diseases, such as, for example, endometriosis or various inflammations.

Why is this happening?

The reason for painful periods for each girl can be different. As for the primary algodismenorea, then the doctors did not reach a single conclusion, what is the main factor for the onset of this disease. In medicine, there are three main versions of the emergence of this syndrome.

To blame for all the hormones

Some doctors believe that the cause of painful menstrual hides in the hormonal leap, which occurs in the body of every woman before the onset of menstruation. At the same time, the girl may have various mood swings, also associated with changes in the hormonal background.

Work of muscles

Another group of medical workers believes that the cause of painful periods can be hidden in the intensified production of the girl's body of an active substance such as prostaglandin. It also affects the excessive contraction of the musculature of the uterus, which causes a violation of blood circulation to its walls and, accordingly, painful sensations during discharge.


According to doctors, the cause of painful periods can also be hidden in the inconspicuous infections of the sexual system of the girl, which were not detected in time. Among the common, latent diseases that affect the painful period, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis can be identified.


There is also a group of scientists who believe that the pain of menstruation in a girl can arise only because of her mental state and mood. If a woman wants to get sick at this time, lie on the couch, desire alone can provoke painful feelings, thanks to which you can even stay at home and not go to work or study.


Having understood why the monthly painful, it is worth tackling this issue. First of all, in order to get rid of the painful sensations, the girl must necessarily show herself to the gynecologist, in order to exclude the possibility of various kinds of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. Help in anesthetizing modern women help antispasmodics, which simply drown out the pain, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, with the help of which the girls eliminate their ailment.

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