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How to know that you are pregnant, without a test? Ways to eat!

Today you can find out whether you are waiting for a child or not, in just a few minutes! All you need is to buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or visit a gynecologist. But how to know that you are pregnant, without a test? After all, not for all potential young mothers, these methods can be called comfortable from a moral point of view. Some girls just feel embarrassed to buy unambiguous products at pharmacies and even more so to visit a doctor! In this article I will tell you how to find out that you are pregnant, without a test for conception! Girls, the main thing is calmness! So, go ahead! How do I know if I'm pregnant, without a test at home?

Method number 1

Pour warm water into the glass, add manganese. Note, the solution should not be too saturated! In the morning, go to the toilet in a small way. Add the morning urine to the prepared solution and observe:

  • If the water acquires a kefir consistency, you are pregnant;
  • If the solution of potassium permanganate simply turns yellow, there is no pregnancy.

Method number 2

One of the most effective home methods, how to find out that you are pregnant, without a test is a measurement of the so-called basal (anal) temperature. If the thermometer constantly displays above 37 degrees, you will soon become a mom! Method number 3

Go to the hospital, but not to the gynecologist, but to take blood from the vein. This is one of the fastest methods, telling how to find out that you are pregnant, without a test, because the blood test will dot the "i" even if you have not started the delay. In general, the delay in menstruation for 2-3 weeks or more occurs in two cases:

  • You have a strong hormonal failure ;
  • There was a conception.

Method number 3

There is another home method, how to find out what is pregnant. Without a test, this is problematic, but possible. You need to be able to listen to your body. It is necessary to recognize those slightest weak changes in it, occurring in the first time after unprotected sex. Some women in general can feel the onset of pregnancy almost in the first hours after conception!

Experts against!

In general, the vast majority of doctors and specialists in family planning are categorically against home methods of determining a possible pregnancy without having a test! They say that the conclusions obtained by domestic or folk methods are based only on:

  • The detection of presumptive symptoms of conception;
  • Measuring basal temperature.

At the same time, gynecologists insist that home methods should be used only for healthy women and girls with already stable menstrual cycles and without any chronic diseases in any internal organs! Of course, to determine this, it is necessary to visit a therapist. Therefore, doctors and specialists are urged to think whether this game is worth the candle, because you can directly contact a gynecologist. Believe me, there is nothing despicable and shameful in this! Moreover, any alternative way to determine an early pregnancy is a double-edged sword!

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