BeautySkin care

Do you have dry skin on your elbows? Need care!

We are all accustomed to pay attention to our appearance, taking care of it with the help of various cosmetics. But most often all care is directed to those parts of the body that are in our mind. The face and hair that we see in the mirror every day, hands and feet that are constantly in front of our eyes ... But what about the fact that a permanent self-review is not available? If this is not visible to us, does not mean that it is not noticeable to others! One of such often devoid of attention is the elbows.

Care of elbows is not included in the number of procedures performed regularly. And yet elbows are subject to no less, and possibly even greater impact of various unfavorable factors. Often we do not notice this, but dry skin on the elbows, as well as scaly, and dark - is not uncommon. And, believe me, it does not look very attractive.


The reasons for the unattractive appearance of elbows may be several:

  • The most common reason for appearing dry skin on the elbows is mechanical damage caused by the pose, often taken while sitting at the table, leaning on one or two elbows. Remember, is not it peculiar to prop your head with your hand while sitting at the computer? That's the same!
  • In the cold season everyone is wrapped up in warm clothes. Often it is clothing made of synthetic materials. It is then that many begin to worry about dry skin of the body. What to do? The solution is only in regular care.
  • Coarsening of the skin can cause frequent changes in temperature. It is from them that we are defended with the help of warm things. Vicious circle.
  • Dry skin on the elbows can be the result of frequent and long baths. Tap water, containing chlorine, dries the skin.
  • The lack of vitamins such as A, E, D, as well as some trace elements, also affects the skin, especially the skin of the elbows.
  • In addition, dry skin on the elbows can be a sign of hormonal failure in the body.

How to care for elbows

As is clear from the list of reasons, if you have dry skin on the elbows, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle and the general state of the body.

  • In time, visit the endocrinologist if there are any signs of hormonal imbalance.
  • Dress in accordance with the season and weather conditions, choosing things from natural fabrics.
  • When making water procedures, give preference to the soul. In addition, try not to use soap - it is peculiar to make the skin dry. Use shower gels or liquid soap.
  • Reconsider your food. Be sure to include in the diet products that are sources of essential vitamins, such as fish oil, eggs, liver, carrots, apricots, greens, vegetable oils and others.
  • To soften and lighten the skin of the elbows, use caring products that can make the skin softer.

Such a problem, like the dry skin of elbows, is quite easy to treat. With timely regular care of her appearance can be avoided.

For regular care, as well as as procedures for restoring an attractive type of elbows skin, the following tools are suitable.

  • Include in the list of daily procedures the treatment of elbows with a nutritious cream that has the property of healing wounds, for example, with an extract of chamomile.
  • To treat coarse skin daily for 10 days, use an exfoliating cream or treat elbows with a scrub, previously steaming them in hot water with the addition of soda or sea salt.
  • Before applying the nourishing cream, treat the skin with a swab dipped in sauerkraut, lemon or grapefruit juice, so that your elbows become lighter.
  • If after 10 days the above procedures are not enough, try to soften the elbows with a compress, for example from cabbage leaves, which should be doused with boiling water, and then applied to the skin. The compress should be wrapped with a film and a warming bandage and left overnight. The duration of the procedure is also 10 days.

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