Homeliness, Do it yourself
Making the ceiling with your own hands is quite possible
Having completed the ceiling with your own hands, you can transform the room beyond recognition. However, in most cases, the installation of such structures are resorted to in the design of bathrooms, sanitation units and swimming pools. Their place in the construction market, such ceilings have occupied due to moisture resistance, long life, relatively small weight and ease of installation.
In principle, it is possible to assemble a lath ceiling with your own hands, but first you will have to spend time on a trip to the store, and immediately before that you should make accurate room measurements. If the number of angles exceeds four, then it is recommended to purchase an additional reference bus, otherwise installation will hardly be possible. After buying the goods you need to make sure that all the components are present in full, otherwise it will not be easy to prove something later.
So, we make the ceiling with our own hands. And start with the markup. First of all, it is necessary to understand the level to which the structure should be lowered. If it is assumed that spotlights are used, then add two to three centimeters to the desired height.
We continue to collect the rack ceiling with our own hands. Now we need to fix the iron bars with the help of hangers. After that, you can proceed to fixing the panels to the finished structure. Metering is done from the edge of the wall to the end of the opposite profile. If the length is longer, you risk ruining the metal element. Cutting out several panels and profiles, you can start the installation. The edge of the first component is inserted into a special groove of the end profile, after which it is inserted into the groove of the other and fixed in the supporting rail. After the second element, an intermediate profile is established between them.
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