Education, The science
What is socialism and its basic forms
What is socialism? This term was first published in the work of Pierre Leroux in 1834. However, the further definition of the concept was never formulated, denoting the opposite of "individualism." Approximately at the same time in England, the term was used by the followers of Owen. In those days, socialism generalized the doctrine of the need for social transformation.
Community socialism, which arose in the middle of the 19th century in Russia, became a clear example of the situation that prevailed at that time. It was Herzen who in his works drew attention to the communal orders that dominated the peasant world. In his opinion, it was they who were to become the beginning of the establishment of the socialist system. The long experience of the communal system led to the emergence of a whole range of measures that supported the ruined farms. For the peasant community, land redistributions, circular bail, collective decision-making were characteristic features.
Already after the passage of time M. Tugan-Baranovsky wrote that the creators,
On the basis of a philosophical definition of what socialism is, a political ideology was formulated that put forward a society where there is no exploitation of man, and justice and social equality are affirmed. Discarding the national specifics, this concept was defined for a long time as a form of social organization, where the main productive assets, as well as the land, belong to the state that organizes the management of the economy. In addition, it deals with the distribution of the products of labor in conjunction with the principle: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work."
This definition is closely connected with the notion of "democratic socialism". It is understood as a society that has a multistructure economy oriented to the interests of the people, the same direction has both state and public control. The fundamental principles of democratic socialism are:
- Social justice. This concept includes public relations that ensure a fair pay, equal opportunities for any person and for cultural development, equal protection and so on. In accordance with this principle, subsoil, forests, water resources and animal life are the property of the whole people;
- Social equality implies ensuring the equality of all citizens, as well as political and cultural equality, equal social protection and guarantees.
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