Sports and FitnessWeight loss

What is cardio training? The best way to lose weight!

Cardio ... The root itself means that it's about the heart. What is cardio training? This exercise is moderate intensity, allowing you to increase the capacity of the cardiovascular system. As a rule, under cardio means aerobic exercise: dancing, walking, running of medium intensity and below, rowing machine, swimming.

Reserves of active longevity

What is cardio training and why should it be aerobic? In order for the cardiovascular system to increase its reserves, it needs a long, even load. Force loads on one group of muscles can not last long enough to train this body system. Correct cardio is an excellent prevention of heart disease, an ailment that kills a huge number of people and is comparable to cancer in terms of the number of victims. So, starting to train today, you add yourself 10-15 years of life, and not just life, but a healthy, vigorous and active state.

Bypass the insulin barrier

Cardio also reduces the likelihood of the appearance of type 2 diabetes. The fact is that muscle cells are able to take sugar from the blood directly bypassing the insulin system. Therefore, low intensity loads are very useful for those who suffer from impaired glucose tolerance. There are cases when it was completely restored, and people became unnecessary drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. But only the second, attention! Diabetes of the first type is a completely different disease and with it very different recommendations are given.

12 hours before the workout

Cardio for weight loss is especially effective on an empty stomach. Well, if you limit the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day. The greatest effect is achieved after a 12-hour fasting. That is, if you do not eat after 6 pm and run at 6.00, then such cardio training for burning fat will be extremely effective.

Fats - in the furnace

What is cardio training in terms of nutritional intake by the body? Subject to the restriction of carbohydrates, the body has to almost completely switch to fat as a food source. Strength training in this situation will not be effective, because for a great strain the muscles need carbohydrates. Cardio burns fats successfully, unless you have eaten sweets before training.

In the rhythm of cheerfulness

Cardio for weight loss on an empty stomach also improves sleep, and the daily rhythm becomes more permanent. That is, if a person gets used to running in the morning, then in 1-2 weeks he will not have problems with getting up in the morning. And in the evening he will fall asleep for 10-15 minutes. Excellent medicine for insomnia. And if you add a small (20-30 minutes) training in the evening, you will feel pleasant fatigue and fall asleep, just touching the pillow.

What is cardio training? This is an opportunity to live long and active, staying healthy for many years. This is a chance to reduce the need for diabetic drugs. This is the way to a vigorous state of health and an excellent ability to get up in the morning. So pick yourselves good clothes, shoes - and forward, to fresh air! Changes will not keep you waiting.

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