
What is called declension in Russian? Declination of nouns

Many of us still remember from the school bench what is called declension. But to reproduce all the nuances associated with it, will not be able to everyone. But the knowledge of the rules associated with the declension of nouns will help us not make spelling mistakes in the future.

What is declination

Almost every independent part of speech (with the exception of adverbs and adverbial participles) can vary according to its rules. Verbs, changing by face and number, conjugate, and the nominal parts of speech are declined. What does this mean? Declination of words is the ability of nouns, adjectives, numerals and participles to vary by:

  1. Rodam (male, middle, female, except for nouns).
  2. Numbers (singular and plural).
  3. The case.

Known to many a set of Russian rules, "Grammar-80" explains in another way what is called declination. He proposes to define it as a change in the class of words by case. Which of the terms is closer and what is called declination, everyone is free to choose himself.

Case Nouns

Based on the definition of declension in the Russian language, we need to remember what the case is. They call a grammatical form connecting any noun with the words of other parts of speech. The case shows how exactly the parts of speech are coordinated.

For a long time, the case system was subject to change. In the Old Russian language there were not six, as in our time, but seven cases. One more was called "inviting". To date, it has already been abolished, and now there are 6 of them.

  • Nominative. The singular case, since it is only called direct (who? What?), The others are indirect. In the form of them. Pad. The subjects appear in the sentences. Another of its features: it is the initial form for the nominal parts of speech.
  • Genitive. This form answers the questions of Whom? What? In order not to confuse it with other cases, it is possible to substitute the auxiliary word "no": the cat - it. N, (no) the cat is a genus. P.
  • Dative. This case is named so because it answers questions to Whom? To what? Declination of words will be easier if you substitute the word "give": cat - dates. P.
  • Accusative. Quite a controversial form. Has a question similar to the nominative case for inanimate objects - What? However, in relation to living beings ask the question of Who? The word "blame", substituted for the one he verifies. N., Will help you remember the rules of declination: (blame) the cat-wine. P.
  • Instrumental. The singular case. Responds to questions by whom? Than? The test word for him is "create": cat - tv. Pad.
  • Prepositional. A form that answers questions About whom? About what? For easy memorization, we substitute the word "think": about a cat - Proposal. P.


We remembered the case system, which is being studied by the Russian language. Declension also depends on the category of numbers. There are only two of them in our language-the only one and the plural. Almost all nouns have both forms. But, like in any rule, there are exceptions. Some words are used only in one single form. An example of those that have only a single number: the sun (well, it's logical, it exists in one copy), milk, foliage, highway (it's foreign language).

But the Russian language is so diverse that it has in its arsenal words that are used only in the plural. Example: scissors, trousers, glasses, watches, people.

Declination in the Russian language can be carried out in the forms of units. H and multipl. H. For example:

Unit. H.

I.p. Book, books.

Rn. Books, books.

D.p. Book, books.

V.p. Book, books.

T.p. Book, books.

Par. About the book, about the books.

The first decline

The declination system in Russian, as is known, consists of three groups. Each of them has its own characteristics. The first declination has the following special features:

  • Words calling some males with the endings -a or -y : uncle, man, dad, Vanya.
  • Nouns that also have endings -a or -y , denoting people and objects of the feminine gender: spring, hand, aunt, Anna.
  • The same endings (- a / -th ) with nouns of the general genus (that is, denote simultaneously both male and female persons): crybaby, grumbler, sleepy, sloven.

Sample 1 declination (examples):

I.p. A young man, a girl, a crybaby.

Rn. Young men, girls, crybaby.

D.p. A young man, a girl, a crybaby.

V.p. A young man, a girl, a crybaby.

T.p. A young man, a girl, a crybaby.

Par. About a young man, about a girl, about a crybaby.

The second declination

This group differs from the previous endings and category of the genus. It includes:

  • Nouns with nouns in the initial form and related to the masculine gender: table, stump, ceiling, husband.
  • Words of the husband. Kind, but ending in - o or- e : a small house.
  • Them. N. With endings - o or - e of the middle genus: sky, spot, sea, gun.

Sample 2 declination:

I.p. Table, happiness.

Rn. Table, happiness.

D.p. The table, happiness.

V.p. Table, happiness.

T.p. Table, happiness.

Par. About the table, happiness.

The third decline

This group of nouns is the most special. To her are only words of a feminine gender and only with a zero ending: a mouse, a stove, a life, a reality.

It is necessary to remember the important rule concerning the third declension: when the word ends in one of the hissing sounds, it must write a soft sign (daughter, night, liver). Do not confuse them with the nouns of the second declension of the sibilant (ray, raincoat, mite). They refer to the masculine gender, and therefore do not require writing a soft sign on the end.

Sample 3 declination:

I.p. Life, thing.

Rn. Life, things.

D.p. Life, things.

V.p. Life, thing.

T.p. Life, thing.

Par. About life, things.

Summarizing the above, we were able to put together the declension of nouns. The table shows more and more clearly. Study it carefully.

Dissimilar nouns

Now we know what is called declension and what words apply to each of them. But not all the lexical composition of our language is subject to these rules. There are such nouns that have absorbed the endings of both the first and second declensions. They are called staggered.

What are the characteristics of such nouns? First, almost all of them end in -yam: time, name, burden, stirrup and others. And the word path is also referred to this group.

Secondly, the rules for declining the differently syllable nouns are such that when you change these words with cases in all forms, there will be a suffix -en (except IP and VP): time, stirrup, seed.

Thirdly, inclined to these words, we can notice that in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they took the ending - and in 3 skkl., And in the instrumental ending appeared -em, as in the 2 declination.

In the name, the path.

Rn. Name, path.

D.p. Name, path.

V.p. Name, path.

T.p. Name, path.

Par. About the name, about the way.

Undecidable nouns

Our speech is rapidly replenished with new words of foreign origin. They do not have declination forms in the Russian language and are therefore called non-declarable.

This group includes:

  • Foreign words that come to us from other languages in -o, -e, -y, - at : coats, fillets, Sochi, kangaroos. In all cases they will have the same form, so there is simply no point in inciting them. (Go to the coat, go to the kangaroo, go to Sochi.)
  • Surnames that end in -ko, -ago, -yh : Yurchenko, Zhivago, Belykh. (To be visiting Kozarenko, come to the Reds.)
  • Words formed by the abbreviation: USSR, ATS.

Personal endings

With this theme, the correct spelling of the letters u and e at the end of the nouns is connected. Observing the rules of declension, we were able to reveal that the end e is written in words:

  1. The first declension (the exception is genus): to the river (dat.p.), about the mother (pr.p.), on the topic (dat.p.).
  2. The second declension: about the ray (pr), about the sea (pr.p.)

Let's write in the end, if this word:

  1. The third declension: in the steppe (pr.p.), by night (dat.p.)
  2. The first skl., Used in gives birth. Case: at the river.
  3. In words, ending in the ue, ia, ia : in the planetarium, on the action, on the event.
  4. The undeclared nouns also write: on the road, on time.


After reading these simple rules, you will know what is called declension. Do not confuse it with the word change of other parts of speech, as, for example, conjugation of verbs.

It is necessary to study it, because our practical knowledge depends on theoretical knowledge. From our article, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Nouns change not only in case, but also in numbers.
  • But it's worth remembering that not all words in this part of the speech have these categories. Some of them can not incline (indeclinable) at all and do not have one of the numerical forms (only plural or single).
  • Each of the declensions has its own characteristics, so it is worthwhile to study them carefully. We cited the declension of nouns as an example (table).
  • Personal endings that do not have an accent are subject to certain rules. Depending on the declension and the case, the letter will be written either e , or u . This topic is one of the most difficult in the course of studying nouns.

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