ComputersComputer games

What is a random? The vicissitudes of fate

The concept of a random house is widely used in the computer field. These can be games, programming, system administration and many other aspects of human-computer interaction. But what is a random? What does this mean?


The concept of a random house came to us, like most borrowed words, from English (from "random"). In a broader sense, this concept is used to refer not only to any random event, but to the process itself - randomize. That is, the generation of some random event, an inscription, a number ... Anything.

It is known that any Anglicisms and borrowed words easily get accustomed to the youth. So Random has become one of the concepts that are included in the slang of computer players, and you can meet it most often in this area. What is a random for gamers?


Anyone who has at least some familiarity with online games knows that everything that happens in them is affected, oddly enough, by chance. Many people try to look for patterns in them, but there is nobody to blame but the so-called random house. It is enough to give a few examples of what a random is in action, and everything becomes clear:

  1. Characteristics of the characters. Perhaps this is the most obvious thing. In many online RPGs, there is such a character setting as dexterity. And in most cases he is responsible for the chance of a critical strike. Let's say it is 25%. That is, every fourth blow of the character must be strengthened ... But now you've been beating for the tenth time, and "crit", and it does not go away. Why? It's all about the rand. Or in Russian - an accident. You have a 25% chance, but each time it is recalculated and the previous attempts are not taken into account.
  2. Chests, loot, reward. When killing various monsters, bosses, when receiving prizes for participating in events and assignments, the case also works. What is a random in this situation? This is the chance of getting a certain subject among others. For example, it is 5%. You buy 20 chests for real money during the promotion and think that at least one of you will be lucky. And here not. The chance is also calculated from scratch. And buy you at least 100 chests, you can not get anything. And it is as usual to blame the rand.
  3. Random battles. Many games use a system of matches. In them, rand also plays an important role. He distributes players on teams, selects a card, gives out roles ...

Anyone who has encountered the manifestation of a random house knows that it does not lead to anything good.


Of course, Random - this is such a thing, which is often spoken in a negative way. Why is this happening? Because everything is fine so far, no one remembers that all the actions in the computer game are random.

For example, run a random-game in Prime World. Opponents are divided into teams randomly. They do not even know who they will fight with. Also what turns out? One team is made up of weak beginners with unstaped characters, and the other is from dressed tops. Why? Blame, of course, randomly.

You sharpen your gear in Perfect World. It does not work to raise the value higher than +3. And someone quietly trades +6 simply because he is more lucky. Who is guilty? Of course, WRC is a great Chinese random.

Are you fighting a weaker opponent? And he takes and kills you. Are you just an inept player? Or, perhaps, because you do not have critical hits (with a chance of 25/100), and the opponent has every second with a 10/100 chance. Random - he is such a random!

It is clear that with such values, a random can cause players only negative associations.


What is a rand in performance? Many people who love computer games, transfer this concept from virtuality to the work area. For example, in Microsoft Excel, there is a function such as RAND (). This is a random in its pure form. The function returns a random number in the range from 0 to 1.

So it is in programming. The functions of generating random events are used throughout the development of applications, as well as to specify variables with a non-constant value, for the possibility of calculating the result with different initial data.

In general, any area in which it is necessary to randomly order data or objects can use the concept of a random house. It all depends on the person who describes the event, the action, and from his vocabulary.

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