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What do the numbers mean in the Olenemer? What the "Olenemer" shows in "Tanks": the meaning of the figures

In order to understand what the figures in the "Olenemer" mean, it is first of all necessary to familiarize yourself with the general description of the complex XVM fashion. This is one of the most popular mods for the game World of Tanks, which is used by a huge number of users to monitor personal statistics and determine the nominal skills of teammates, in order to prepare yourself morally to a possible defeat or assess the need to drag in this fight yourself and rely only on yourself , Without hope for the correct actions of the Allies.

When reviewing statistics, you can identify players who can be counted on for help and adequate behavior. As a rule, for each new client update, a fresh version of the complex XVM fashion is required, which developers adapt for correct functioning (together with the available software). With each new version of the game add-on, more and more "usefulness" is added, which can be activated or switched off manually. The latter include the rating system WN8, enabled by default, as well as the level of combat for this technique when playing in the platoon. An inexperienced user may seem to be redundant with the amount of information that appears after installing such a popular software, but in fact to understand what the numbers in the Olenemer designate are not so difficult. It is enough to get acquainted with the information given below.

Differences from the standard interface

After installing this mod, the boot screen changes, and general information about players and their technique will be greatly enriched. A lot of strange values are added, so a logical question arises: "What are the numbers in the" Olenemer "?" In order to figure this out, it will take several screenshots. First of all, you should pay attention to the top of the boot screen. This is where the overall chance of winning is displayed, which is calculated from the general data - their values are given below. In addition, the team setup, the number of fights conducted by each player in general and on a particular technique, the percentage of wins and the player's utility coefficient are taken into account. The same data is also output by the "Olenemer". The meaning of the numbers, therefore, directly reflects the success of the fighter. Of course, the chance of winning is not absolute truth, and you can win even with 20%, but this is already a matter of luck and teamwork. Additionally, the battle level value (from 1 to 12) is displayed.

What do the numbers mean in the "Olenemer"

This article is intended for both experienced players and beginners, in order to understand the question posed. So, what do the numbers in the "Olenemer" mean?

1 - the number of fights that the player has had since the registration. It is this value that makes it possible to judge the experience of thymites or opponents, which the great Belarusian sent to this battle.

2 - utility coefficient. This is an unofficial player rating. At this point it is worth dwelling in more detail. What does the "deer" show to the user with this symbol, following the nickname of the player? This criterion is often decisive when joining a clan, and it also allows you to judge the real benefits that this or that person brings to any unit of his technique. In the account are the indicators of deductible points of strength, the number of lights and help in inflicting damage in cases of knocking down a goose to opponents. By the way, at the moment there are several ratings that can numerically differ from each other, bearing in themselves the same meaning. You can change the system in the configuration file mod, detailed instructions are easy to find on the network.

3 - the total percentage of victories on all types of equipment and in all types of fights, including company and platoon pokatushki. What does the "Olenemer" show in this case? The likelihood that a player with a high percentage of victories will respond responsibly to the battle and act on the situation with the use of optimal solutions, while the red ally rushes headlong forward and in the next couple of minutes will go to the hangar without taking away the strength points from the enemy tank.

The configuration of the Olenemer program. The meaning of numbers and their need

Depending on the version and settings of the XVM mode, the number of numerical values varies. This is due to the fact that as additional options may appear the number of fights and the percentage of victories on this particular tank. Usually this allows you to more accurately determine the skill of controlling the ally / enemy of a particular machine, as well as its relation to the gameplay on a certain kind of technique. By the way, often this parameter is of the greatest importance. Such a conclusion can be made by seeing a large number of fights on a low-level tank, whose branch research has progressed further.

Color solutions mod, functional expansion

By the way, in order to understand whether the value is good or not, there is a color differentiation, where red signals a small experience, low utility of the player or a small number of games on a particular technique, and a purple hue can be called a sign of high skill. What the "Olenemer" shows in "Tanks" is ancillary information. Among other things, there are a number of settings for the hangar. A complex mod can calculate winrate for the current session or per day. You can also activate pleasant trivia like an in-game clock or counting a stuffed silver.

Among the usefulness can still be attributed to the function, thanks to which the mini-map shows the places where the enemy tanks last shone, and their names. Mod is not a cheat, but game developers are not encouraged.

Modernization and optimization of the game's possibilities

The number of additional and cosmetic functions for improving the in-game interface of the "XVM mod" includes the ability to change the icons of all tanks. They can appear before the user not just as a monochrome picture, in which only the silhouette is visible, but as a reduced photo. Also, a section of the functional that displays the enemy status can be useful:

  • Lighted;
  • It is not found at all for the period that has elapsed since the beginning of the battle;
  • Was seen, but at the moment the intelligence has lost him from the field of vision, and the technology has disappeared from the mini-map.

Additional rating systems and mod settings

In addition, using the rather wide functionality of a comprehensive add-on, you can set up the combat interface so that over each tank all the data that is available during the battle loading is highlighted, namely: the percentage of wins, the rating on the WN6 system (or WN8, depending on the version programs).

That's what the numbers mean in the Olenemer, located above the tank. In fact, they duplicate information from the list of all players so that it was not necessary to look for the closest ally in the table for the nickname and name of the combat vehicle.

Analysis of the complex mode XVM

Summing up, it is worthwhile to briefly outline the main advantages and disadvantages of the functional in question, to determine what the numbers in the "Olenemer" mean and to designate the audience that it will like.

Minuses, in fact, very little. The installation of the complex XVM fashion is a serious step. An inexperienced player takes a long time to adapt to all innovations. This prevents you from concentrating on the conduct of the battle and can provoke errors. The high or low value of the chance of winning can also have a negative impact on human behavior. In the first case, there may be a feeling of an early victory, which will force you to act inconsiderately and rush forward without looking at the team. In the second variant, the newcomer will go ahead of the rest of the world in order to quickly finish the fight for himself and calmly go to the hangar in order to start the next battle and not suffer in it.

Among the advantages is the simplification of the combat interface, which facilitates the process of orientation in space, allows you to more effectively monitor enemy movements on the map and guess at about which opponent to fight in the next 10-15 minutes.


Now, when it became clearer what the "Olenemer" shows, you can start using it boldly if its features suit the player. The log of personal damage is not confusing and does not make you relax, and the informal rating of players allows you to easily navigate in your allies and opponents.

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