ComputersComputer games

How to beat six12 in "Warfare"?

To date, "Warfyce" is one of the most popular multiplayer team shooters. Naturally, it uses a popular weapon acquisition system. You can buy regular samples in the store when you get enough money, but much more rare rare models are valued here. And they can not be bought - they need to be knocked out. This is done as follows - you need to buy boxes, the exact contents of which you do not know. However, you know what kinds of weapons can be there, It is most likely that you will not get the rarest weapon, but there is also a very small chance that you will fall out a rare gun, which is hunted by thousands of gamers. And here the most important thing is to know some weapon knockout systems that will help you increase the probability percentage. From this article you will learn how to beat Six12.

What is this trunk?

If you decide to figure out how to beat Six12, then you first need to understand what kind of weapon it is. As you well know, in this shooter the weapon is divided into several types - for example, on pistols, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns and so on. So, Six12 is a shotgun that was added to the game just recently. That is why the demand for it is incredibly high. It not only has a stylish appearance, but it has excellent performance, so that you can use it in combat as effectively as possible. However, for this, it must first be obtained. Accordingly, you need to learn how to knock out Six12 as quickly as possible, because the chance of dropping it out of the box is only a few percent.


There are many different theories about how to beat Six12. Naturally, most of them are simple fiction. Gamers want to get this trunk so much that they come up with the most incredible patterns that they then try to follow, moreover, they also position their theories as true and suggest that other players use them. For example, there is a fivefold theory, according to which you will need to translate any meaning relating to a given gun into a fivefold system of calculation. The fact is that at a time you can buy a maximum of five boxes - that's why this system is taken as a basis. You can take the date of the appearance of weapons in the game, translate it into a quinary system, and then buy boxes according to the scheme that you get. Naturally, something like this can not have anything to do with reality, but there are also more reasonable options for how to beat Six12 in Warfyus.

Accuracy method

If you want to learn how to beat Six12 in Warfare, you better just rely on your luck. If you need some kind of scheme, then it is wiser to use the previous example rather than the method of accuracy. The essence of it is that you will need to have on the account in the game exactly as much money as you need to purchase five boxes that give you a chance to get this model of weapons. You buy the boxes you need and open them one by one. Naturally, no one guarantees you that you will immediately get the weapon you are looking for, but the chance increases significantly, and you do not lose anything at the same time.


As you already understood, there is simply an incredibly large number of ways to increase the chances of getting Six12, a review of them all will take many hours. Therefore, you just need to be able to distinguish completely unrealistic from those that can still bring you luck. Also, do not use methods that will require you any additional costs - disappointment will be much more unpleasant than if you just lost. For example, you can buy and open boxes according to the scheme 5-5-4.

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